Looking down the Garden..... Rear and fence to the left is your responsibility, its quite simple.
Completely incorrect.
It will either be stated specifically in the deeds or joint responsibility.
Looking down the Garden..... Rear and fence to the left is your responsibility, its quite simple.
Looking down the Garden..... Rear and fence to the left is your responsibility, its quite simple.
Looking down the Garden..... Rear and fence to the left is your responsibility, its quite simple.
Looking down the Garden..... Rear and fence to the left is your responsibility, its quite simple.
Only as a "rule of thumb" as it tends to apply to a lot of places but no means a hard and fast rule - about 70-80% of the properties shown on the plan for this area have it but some have really odd arrangements.Looking down the Garden..... Rear and fence to the left is your responsibility, its quite simple.
The original transfer states that you are to maintain and repair the fences marked with a ‘T’ on the plan. However, there are on such markings – they may have been accidentally missed off at the time you bought and the transfer was done, or it may have been deliberate so you and your neighbours all have joint responsibility.
It’s not an issue though, very few titles have ownership of the fences stated, so most people just come to some arrangement with neighbours, i.e. 50/50 costs.
Looking down the Garden..... Rear and fence to the left is your responsibility, its quite simple.
My colleague deals with boundary disputes and some have run up legal fees into the 10s of thousands.