Broken OnePlus 5T screen.

11 Aug 2018
I recently broke my 5T screen while on holiday. The screen shattered and a small piece came out. Has anyone used the OnePlus repair service for a screen fix? If so, how much did it cost? I got quoted £160 at a local store. If possible, I'd like to use OP repair but price is important! Any advice would be appreciated as i need it sorted as soon as possible. Thanks
20 Jan 2011
Here is their official price for parts excluding tax and labour

It says at the bottom "For more information about pricing, please feel free to contact us." So you could probably find out the full price by messaging them.

I had to RMA my oneplus 6 for a dead pixel (which was free because it was a brand new unit) but the process of posting it to them, them fixing it and them shipping it back was easy enough. It took just over 2 weeks after shipping it to them.

It was sent to Regenersis in Poland. The tracker on the oneplus site didn't show much, but you got a link to Regenersis who showed more info on how the case was progressing. Hope this helps.
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