Brought by new baby home today - Can't stop smiling :)

Freefaller said:
I and others I know drive with the top down now! It doesn't have to be 20C+ to drive with the top down you know ;)

yup.... if its not raining just put a hat on ya big girly! thats what heaters are for!
Not a huge fan of them TBH (not fast enough, a bit 'girly' etc.), but that does look like a nice example you have there mate.

Congrats :cool:
Looks very nice, bloke across the road has one, It takes him 5 mins to get it into position on his drive :eek: (we think he has a kind of condition) He moves about 2 feet forward at full throttle, then 2 feet back full throttle :s repeat 12 times. Sounds loverly though :) What kinda bhp, torque etc?
MehulLakhani said:
Dr's dont earn that much . . . . . trust me . And for the record I paid mondeo/golf money for the car ;)

I agree, Junior Doctors don't earn massive amounts of money - but in due course - you will. My brother in law to be is a consultant microbiologist, was a Doctor many years ago and told me the money was not that great really for the hours and stress involved. Even now he does conference talks during evenings to supplement his earnings.

As for the car - personally I dont like em, but that's not important - you love it and you've earnt it too - enjoy. :)
I am currently taking lessons but would so love to drive that. I am going to buy one one day as it is realistically at the top of my price range. Until the big lottery win and the Lambo of course

Lovely car, here's my My 2.7 :D


I never intended keeping mine for very long but it's been a great car to own with zero problems and loads of fun.

What year is that 2.5? They've also changed the indicators to the newer clear ones, something I desperately need to do.
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