I'd recommend the ZDL launcher for this. The current version is
It's a graphical interface that lets you combine all sorts of Doom, Doom 2, Heretic and Hexen iwads with any mods (including Brutal Doom) and with any of the thousands of user created levels and maps using a really simple interface.
You can choose or switch between different id engines such as GZDoom, Zanondrum, Scoredoom, Doom RPG and others (all supporting Doom 1 and 2, Heretic, and Hexen). Or you can just stick to the vanilla ID engines in all their pixilated glory. You can run the original master levels, Plutonia, and TNT with any of these engines. You can choose between the original Doom engine iwads or run the versions supplied in the Doom 3 BFG version.
No mucking about with shortcut extensions or dragging icons. It even supports the combined use of several mods at the same time. Just select from a list and launch, really easy.
You can also choose any starting level or launch any randomly generated Doom, Hexen, and Heretic (or even Quake 1 and 2 levels) levels created with the Oblige random level generator.
(By the way, Oblige is just unbelievably good for generating random single ID maps, levels, or complete ID game sets with just a few selections in its GUI. A Doom map is there in just seconds. The current Oblige version is 6.20. You can tailor any levels to map specifications you prefer including size, graphical theme, frequency of certain object type placements, indoors or outdoors, map type such as halls or corridors preferred, number of traps, secret areas, and door switches and many others. Or you can not bother to go into detail and just let it do its own thing)
For instance: say you want to play level a randomly generated Doom 2 level on map 16 created with Oblige using the GZDoom engine AND Brutal Doom? No problem. Select from the GUI lists and click launch.