BT 0016 motorcycle tyres.

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Ok, so I have now done over 5k on these tyres, tread is still fantastic, although the back is squaring off, even though I do twisties on the way to work, the torque chucked out and the child in me combined = squared off tyre due to throttle smashing hehe.

So! Front one is fine, rear has maybe another 1k in it. Now, I am going for the 2ct's next, anyone got any pointers on them? I am going for them due to the higher profile being better suited for the ducati.

5k out of a BT016! You need to open the throttle a bit more, I got 5k out of my BT020!

I've read a lot of good things about the Michelins. Why not get another Bridgestone to last you until the front needs doing and then change to something different once you need to change the pair?

Could do... Didn't think of that.

Well, I have opted against the renewel of the rear and will just run the tyres in as much as possible. It has been dry today and last night and the sun is shining, if its still shining at 4, I'm going for a ride from work out to oxford to really rag the bike as it's going in for a 12k service on saturday so may as well make the most out of it.

Maybe some knee down as well, to my fave roundabout!

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