BT Boardband question ?

18 Oct 2002

Friend of mine is with BT Boardband and is trying to get wireless internet setup in his house.

The modem he has at the moment is the BT Voyager 100 USB ADSL Modem, connects to his PC via USB.

He has 1x desktop PC, 1x laptop (wireless) and Xbox 360 (wireless)

Hes been out and brought a wireless router but its for cable internet not ADSL, the shop wont refund him either/exchange.

What are the chances that he rings BT and asked for a wireless router they would give him one for free ? if he sends his old router back ??

Thanks Ben
Bony Maloney said:
I have just upgraded to the BT Voyager 2091 and it cost me a "one off payment" of £10. If the guy has had this item less than 7 days I believe he can exchange it, if it isn't "fit for purpose" <--- Somebody else could maybe clarify this. I was already a BT customer, so the Wireless router was cheap.

Like the sound of that.

Will get him to give them a call.
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