BT Fair Use warning

16 Jun 2005
Back in the UK
I got an E-mail from BTYahoo moaning at me for "over using" there service.

They claim used 60gb last month this is kinda suprising i have downloaded every demo on Xbox live and quite afew other things for the PC but 60 gb?

1 Is there a program I can use to track my usage so i can compare what they claim i used to my actual usage.

2 Do any GOOD ISPs still do uncapped? I know nildram used to do a "peak hours only" ca, has any one used this and if so how are they?
I use a prog called DU Meter, this is quite good for showing daily/weekly/monthly internet usage.

As for the uncapped ISPs. Bit of a dying breed I'm afraid. I'm currently with Zen 2mb unlimited but I don't think they do it anymore (trying to get everyone on their capped 8 mb service). I have seen good reviews for ace internet though so they might be worth a try.
blueyonder haven't moaned at me dloading waaaay more than 60gb/month for over a year or so. The dloads are fast, reliability is good but pings etc (gaming) has gone rubbish (used to be AMAZING)
You can probably view your internet usage off your router. DU meter has a tendency to monitor network and internet usage, and won't give you 360 usage.
I'm using ICS not a router so it all goes through the PC, I'll try testing it tonight DU meter tonight.

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