How long is your line?
It looks like it hasn’t switched over properly as those are near enough identical speeds to what I would get on my 80/20 service.
Have you tried resetting your routerHow do I go about getting it fixed, is it a profile thing?
Have you tried resetting your router
Have you got another device to check on eg ps4 my wifes laptop shows lower speeds about 95 yet all other devices show 145 so could be that especially as wifi is better up load looks about rightJust tried a full reset of my Asus router and it hasn't helped. I'm still not getting over 100MB, I found that my QoS settings where capping my speed with that disabled I'm still only reaching this over CAT6 on my iMac.
According to TalkTalk my line is sync'd at 160Mbps according to their systems. I disconnected my Asus router and connected up the TalkTalk router, I could only run a speedtest over wifi on my iPad but it was 110Mbps.
Could I be correct in thinking that my Asus router might be underpowered now or perhaps dislikes connections?
Plug your PC straight into the modem and test again.
Just had my TalkTalk 150MB service installed. However I'm only getting speeds similar to my previous plusnet fibre package.
Any ideas what's going on? I'm using my Asus RT-AC66U router with the recommended third party router settings from TalkTalk. According to the Openreach engineer who did the install the speed to the modem is working correctly.
First things first, speedtest is not a definitive test, I can get wildly different results from auto to actually selecting ‘local’ servers or running my own dedicated test server. Testing via wifi is a waste of time, connect the TT router, connect physically to it using a known food cable and test multiple servers.
Thanks. I actually found that it was the QoS on my router that was capping my speed with my original Speedtest Results you quoted.
The connection is now faster, however still not what I was expecting.
Got a letter with "Your best deal enclosed" and it just said "Renew by (some date in January) to pay the same price you currently do"...
Is this just common tactics or will I not be able to get a better deal after January, or even a worse deal? My contract ends in March. I have Superfast Fibre 2 and I'm paying £25.99 for it due to getting this deal when the price hikes came in. Should I hold out till late February and ask for like £23.99? What deals do other members have on here for this package? Can any other company actually beat £25.99 without using cashback deals and such?
Edit: Apparently TalkTalk has a very similar package for £21.95, £60 voucher and a free backup router. Found on uswitch
My address is showing ‘FTTP coming soon’ on, don’t think these are Fibre?
I’ve just checked