Out of interest what are your line stats.
VDSL Training Status: Showtime
Mode: VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL Profile: Profile 17a
Traffic Type: PTM Mode
Link Uptime: 0 day: 6 hours: 26 minutes
VDSL Port Details Upstream Downstream
Line Rate: 20.032 Mbps 47.613 Mbps
Actual Net Data Rate: 19.997 Mbps 47.614 Mbps
Trellis Coding: ON ON
SNR Margin: 6.3 dB 6.2 dB
Actual Delay: 0 ms 0 ms
Transmit Power: 6.9 dBm 12.8 dBm
Receive Power: -9.0 dBm -3.0 dBm
Actual INP: 0.0 symbols 47.0 symbols
Total Attenuation: 15.9 dB 15.7 dB
Attainable Net Data Rate: 20.683 Mbps 47.508 Mbps
VDSL Band Status U0 U1 U2 U3 D1 D2 D3
Line Attenuation(dB): 3.0 18.6 29.8 N/A 10.8 25.3 40.6
Signal Attenuation(dB): 3.0 17.7 28.8 N/A 12.3 25.1 40.5
SNR Margin(dB): 6.5 6.2 6.3 N/A 6.2 6.2 6.2
Transmit Power(dBm):- 6.3 -24.8 6.7 N/A 9.1 7.8 6.7
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= Plink log 2019.10.14 06:00:05 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
xdslcmd info --stats
xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason: 0
Last initialization procedure status: 0
Max: Upstream rate = 20535 Kbps, Downstream rate = 80708 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 20000 Kbps, Downstream rate = 79999 Kbps
Bearer: 1, Upstream rate = 0 Kbps, Downstream rate = 0 Kbps
Link Power State: L0
Mode: VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile: Profile 17a
TPS-TC: PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis: U:ON /D:ON
Line Status: No Defect
Training Status: Showtime
Down Up
SNR (dB): 3.3 6.2
Attn(dB): 15.9 0.0
Pwr(dBm): 12.7 6.8
I get 20mb more with the same attenuationCode:============================================================================ VDSL Training Status: Showtime Mode: VDSL2 Annex B VDSL Profile: Profile 17a Traffic Type: PTM Mode Link Uptime: 0 day: 6 hours: 26 minutes ============================================================================ VDSL Port Details Upstream Downstream Line Rate: 20.032 Mbps 47.613 Mbps Actual Net Data Rate: 19.997 Mbps 47.614 Mbps Trellis Coding: ON ON SNR Margin: 6.3 dB 6.2 dB Actual Delay: 0 ms 0 ms Transmit Power: 6.9 dBm 12.8 dBm Receive Power: -9.0 dBm -3.0 dBm Actual INP: 0.0 symbols 47.0 symbols Total Attenuation: 15.9 dB 15.7 dB Attainable Net Data Rate: 20.683 Mbps 47.508 Mbps ============================================================================ VDSL Band Status U0 U1 U2 U3 D1 D2 D3 Line Attenuation(dB): 3.0 18.6 29.8 N/A 10.8 25.3 40.6 Signal Attenuation(dB): 3.0 17.7 28.8 N/A 12.3 25.1 40.5 SNR Margin(dB): 6.5 6.2 6.3 N/A 6.2 6.2 6.2 Transmit Power(dBm):- 6.3 -24.8 6.7 N/A 9.1 7.8 6.7 ============================================================================
The line normally runs against a 3dB target but its been reset soo many times, I guess it will need time for DLM to kick in again.
I've paid the £250 ex VAT for the site survey for FTTPoD, which can "The survey has a lead time of at least 4 weeks. After the survey, you will have 28 days to accept or reject the confirmed build charge"
Could I ask who you’re using to enquire about FTTPoD and getting the surveys done with? And has the experience so far been positive?
Would be over the moon with that sort of speed personally. Currently on 30/6 FTTC and while it's fine for the most part, the 10x more speed would be a god send at times! I really wish BT would roll that stuff out here!
Any news on the 1gbps tier in march?
I've just had an email through inviting me to join a full fibre trial so I presume it's the 1gbps tier. I've enrolled so I'll be curious to see what kinda timelines they are working with.
Yeah, 330/50. I was planning to upgrade to 1gbps unless it's £LOL.thanks, are you currently FTTP?
Yeah, 330/50. I was planning to upgrade to 1gbps unless it's £LOL.
Nice man, wish I got the email for that trial ...I'm on the same keep me posted - hoping the uploads 1gbps to!
My desktop survey came in around £12k, I paid for the full survey and I think the final price was £7k plus VAT. There’s the small business grant to consider if you’re a ltd company. I was annoyed as the engineer who did the desktop survey said it should be an easy job as there’s clear ducting all the way from the aggregation node to the front of my house so he seemed fairly confident there would be no civil works involved. I decided it was too much so I didn’t progress. I’ve since gone permanent and I’m closing the business down so perhaps I should have took it on the chin as I still haven’t moved house!So my FTTPoD order has been confirmed as submitted to BT and its currently pending a site survey by Openreach and I have been told the following "Please note BT Openreach review all FTTPoD orders on a weekly basis and provides us with an update. These are usually available on Thursdays/Fridays. However if there is any update received sooner then that I will pass it to you."
So I will post the progress as and when I get it for anyone that's interested.
Also all communications from Cerberus so far have been good, which is a postive.
Zen Internet has now pushed my FTTC line fault to Openreach's DSO, so I am waiting on a update for that. However, the line seems to still be running at 47/20 with no improvements.