BT & Stolen Bandwidth

18 Oct 2002
Does BT have a tendancy to steal bandwidth? Downloading using bit tornado, before DL&UL according to DU meter was 95Mb, less than an hour later its 254Mb. The problem is bit tornado has only downloaded 21Mb and uploaded 7mb. Only other thing that has used bandwith is light web browsing and a small video on google video. Any explanations? :confused: (Reason its annoying is that were only allowed 500mb DL/UL a day :( )

EDIT - Sorry wrong forum & thanks to don who moved
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Do you have Skype installed? as this will use other peoples bandwidth for those hidden behind a NAT/PAT router
spyware downloaders, internet time, windows update(likely candidate), heavily image based site (like forums) are all things that eat little chunks into your bandwidth.
When you say "Mb" do you mean megabytes or megabits?
nope skype isnt installed. same thing has happened on my computer before (this time was on friends) and the common link was always bit torrent running and Mb s of bandwidth disappearing into thin air.

EDIT - megabytes, his windows update isnt on automatic, pretty sure spyware isnt present, and only site he ever goes on is sports forum on here and bbc sport (no audio/video stuff)
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bit torrent co-ordinates downloads over many connections, there's some communication involved here which won't show up on your total download.
and also if some of the parts of failed the hash check and it needs to redownload them this wont count to the total so could be your answer,
WTF. In BT in last <5mins downloaded 3.5mb, DU meter says 50Mb has been downloaded. I think its du meter, there is no way i have downloaded 50Mb in literally a few minutes.
Get Netlimiter, it'll show you what programs are using how much bandwidth etc.

There should be a free trial around if you google for it.
Its on a uni network. Lol now DL & UP are <1k/sec but DU meter says 5Mb has been DL/UL in same time, at <1k i think not!
if you're on a uni network, and anyone is uploading/downloading to your drives that will also show up on DU meter (which is annoying at times, as if i move a few gigs across the network i have to remember).
Our uni is very strict and dont allow any of that, so network traffic would be next to nothing i presume?
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