Taxing gains on a primary residence isn’t a very well throughout policy and would have the complete opposite effect.
People just wouldn’t move or downsize which will be a huge negative downwards effect on the rest of the market. Old people in large family homes wouldn’t move to a bungalow or downsize to unlock the capital because of the tax. People in sampler homes wouldn’t be able to trade up because of those staying out above them. There is next to zero inheritance tax for ‘normal’ people on their primary residence. You have to be pretty wealthy to be in the scope of it these days. Why downsize when you can just pass on the full value when your no longer here.
There would be literally zero incentive to downsize and would effectively reduce the mobility of the entire population, particularly those who need to move for work etc and are looking to sidestep.
Punitive taxes for empty properties, fine, additional taxes for people with multiple properties fine but aggressively taxing normal people with a single property is a really bad idea, particularly when housebuilding is trailing increases in demand significantly. People will do everything they can to avoid it which ultimately means they don’t move or trade up or downsize, even if it’s to their own detriment and that will have a big negative effect on people looking to buy their first home.
People just wouldn’t move or downsize which will be a huge negative downwards effect on the rest of the market. Old people in large family homes wouldn’t move to a bungalow or downsize to unlock the capital because of the tax. People in sampler homes wouldn’t be able to trade up because of those staying out above them. There is next to zero inheritance tax for ‘normal’ people on their primary residence. You have to be pretty wealthy to be in the scope of it these days. Why downsize when you can just pass on the full value when your no longer here.
There would be literally zero incentive to downsize and would effectively reduce the mobility of the entire population, particularly those who need to move for work etc and are looking to sidestep.
Punitive taxes for empty properties, fine, additional taxes for people with multiple properties fine but aggressively taxing normal people with a single property is a really bad idea, particularly when housebuilding is trailing increases in demand significantly. People will do everything they can to avoid it which ultimately means they don’t move or trade up or downsize, even if it’s to their own detriment and that will have a big negative effect on people looking to buy their first home.