Hi Guys
Need some guidance looking at a pre-built system with a budget of around 1000 - 1050.
Im looking at a few of the systems: Titan Bayonet, Titan Falcon (Ryzen), Titan Katana (Ryzen). I just need advise on which is the best route to go, in terms of performance at 1080p and perhaps will last longer!
I was unsure how to link build, please see links to screenshots of builds.
So I believe the falcon, has the worst PSU but perhaps the best brand on GPU? While also coming in the cheapest. The Bayonet is OC'd to 4.8ghz vs the OC to 3.8GHZ on the ryzen builds. Also both the ryzen builds say comes with windows 10, but still has a drop down box for it, while the bayonet says it doesnt? could someone shed some light if the Ryzen builds do infact come with windows 10?
So what would you guys reccomend, stick with the OC'd i5 or take a jump on the Ryzen?
Need some guidance looking at a pre-built system with a budget of around 1000 - 1050.
Im looking at a few of the systems: Titan Bayonet, Titan Falcon (Ryzen), Titan Katana (Ryzen). I just need advise on which is the best route to go, in terms of performance at 1080p and perhaps will last longer!
I was unsure how to link build, please see links to screenshots of builds.
So I believe the falcon, has the worst PSU but perhaps the best brand on GPU? While also coming in the cheapest. The Bayonet is OC'd to 4.8ghz vs the OC to 3.8GHZ on the ryzen builds. Also both the ryzen builds say comes with windows 10, but still has a drop down box for it, while the bayonet says it doesnt? could someone shed some light if the Ryzen builds do infact come with windows 10?
So what would you guys reccomend, stick with the OC'd i5 or take a jump on the Ryzen?