Budget scoff delight

OS was another of my questions anyway.
I want the pc purely for gaming, I won’t even use google on it! What exactly is the best option, and has anyone ever actually been deactivated for not coughing up for an activation code?
Nope, can run deactivated for ever, but you do get a watermark thing on the bottom right of the screen that shows over all your games reminding you to activate.
Nope, can run deactivated for ever, but you do get a watermark thing on the bottom right of the screen that shows over all your games reminding you to activate.

Ah, now that might be annoying.

How do you get hold of an OS without paying £140 ish? Is it a copy from another computer or...
you can buy keys from various key resellers for around £20 can't be super specific but google is your friend, so is paul from pauls hardware on youtube.
A certain common market place has them forless than 5 pound.
Likely off decommissioned or unused commercial machines so not illegal. Mine has been fine for admittedly only 3 weeks or so.
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