Budget system for gaming?

6 May 2016
Hey guys, looking at a budget system for my younger brother to get into PC gaming, his budget is around 700-800 and he wants to play R6S, Borderlands 2(3 when it gets announced) Runescape and Fortnite, budget has some leeway. Also i've seen that overclockers will build a system for you if you're not comfortable doing it for a certain price, anyone know how to go about that option?

Thanks in Advance.
two options, can put a list together and they can build it for a fee on top, or they have a selection of pre-built systems.

currently just reaidng up on GTX 1660ti performance so wont comment until i've read through them personally

yeah the first one, and thats fine it wont be until the end of march anyway was just wondering what he could get for that sort of money.

@ChaotikRogue would you also need monitor and peripherals?

he needs periphals and his budget all in including the peripherals is about 1k
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