Bugger My Cat is Dying

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25 Jul 2003
Just got back in to find the wife in tears.

Old Jasper is apparently at the emergency vets on a drip, suspected kidney failure, and a suspected bowel tumour. Had an xray, going to ultrasound. We're waiting to hear :(.

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Ok I'm leaving work to transfer the critter to our vets for ultrasound and further investigation.

The emergency vet at least said he seemed more stable overnight, although he threw up this morning :).

Wait, I'm confused, is the cat called Bugger or Jasper :P
Indeed, I missed the comma :p.
Ok well he's been stable overnight according to the vet. They are awaiting some test results to see if the antibiotics help his kidneys, but she is almost certain that he has a tumour in his bowels. If he responds to the treatment, he may well have 4-5 years left in him they reckon. If he doesn't, well he's had a decent innings.
Hope all goes well mate any updates or still awaiting tests?

Just had a phone call from the Vets. We're still awaiting test results from the lab, but he's been a lot chirpier over night, and has been drinking and weeing for Britain, which is fantastic because it flushes his kidneys. Both kidneys are double in size than they should be, and this is one area of concern - the results should show if this is treatable by antibiotics or not.

The other area of concern is potential lymphoma, again we're waiting results from the lab for the ultrasound tests. Naturally if this is the case then we'll have him put down rather than go through chemotherapy.

I heard him in the background giving the vet an earful, so at least he's better than he was :).
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Well he has Renal Lymphoma, or cancer of both kidneys. He's been given a month at absolute best. I'll have to go round on Saturday to have him put to sleep, as the wife won't be able to do it.

Sad times :(.
Thanks for everyones kind words. It'll be tough to get over him, but he's brought us a lot of joy, and us him hopefully :).

Thinking of getting a new kitten for Christmas? It might counter your Winter Blues now your cats buggered?
We were wondering if it might be ok to get a kitten/young cat in his last month or so if we can keep him at home, or if it would upset him. Not sure yet.

I'm sorry Platypus :(

On the plus side when did you get married? It doesn't seem 5 minutes since you broke up with your last GF. My word time is flying!
25th of August, we've been together over 3 years now; the last 'mistake' is quite a long way in the past!
I missed the comma :p!

Ok we're really not sure what to do. We brought him home last night with some steroids which will help his kidneys and - according to the vet - make sure he doesn't suffer any pain. But naturally he's still moping about and feeling sorry for himself, drinking loads (good) but not eating much at all (bad). Then there is going to be the trick of getting him to eat the steroids..!

Should we just say our goodbyes and then let him go? Or give him a few extra months - we've been told he'll have a good few months on the steroids, and feel no pain.

It's natural to want to hold onto them as long as we can, but I'm really not sure if we're being fair to him :(.
Ok well the wife just phoned, first treatment of steroids successfully administered, and an entire chicken breast gobbled down. Fingers crossed he has a happy few final months :).

Well just got back from the vets. He'd deteriorated massively overnight, and couldn't stand up, kept falling over, couldn't eat, wouldn't drink.


Am amazed at how fast the injection worked, just glad he's not suffering.

RIP Jasper :(.
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