[Build Log] MODZERO X - Phanteks EVOLV Micro

Very nice mate. Good to see more mATX WCed builds. Really like the green against the white. Also the quality of the pics are great.

Many thanks for the kind words.

Really liking the tubing, clean and precise.

And that ram looks sweet, might have a looksy at what else they do

They have three SKUs in the DDR3 space but only the one thus far in DDR4 (it's a nice one though). They also have an SSD hitting the UK market seen enough. OCUK should stock their products!

This is absolutely ****ing beautiful. I love it.

Aesthetically I think this build would look better with the reference rather than waterblocks. Two 1070s is going to be sublime.

Thanks, but what do you mean "would look better with the reference rather than waterblocks"? Do you mean lose the CPU loop? Two 1070s on air in this case would be a pain as I've put the inlay panel where I have. Means no airflow for the second GPU. Now if I picked up a second 1070 and put blocks on them both... fitting a second 240 up front, now that would work.. and look dope.

Stunning build!! love the green coolant :)

Thanks, It was an adventure mixing the coolant. I'm gonna move to Mayhem Yellow/Green X1 with silver Aurora booster in a few weeks though. I'm not happy with a couple of the lines, so gonna address that then go with new coolant.

Some very nice work going on there :)

Many thanks :)

I was down the pub last night with a guy that apparently is a friend of yours, apparently you guys went to LAN Parties together :D

He was trying to sell me his 970 so he can put the money towards a 1070 when he mentioned a mate of his who had done this 'Crazy Build' in 48 hours... I instantly thought... Not MODZERO??? he jumped on FB and showed me your build :D
looks beast dude, the vinyl is the best part imo ;)

I will figure out how to link the video of you crying like a girl later, but here is what I got out of the trip to OcUK (other than the Awesome Vive experience).

OcUK were babes and wanted to make sure that I had my supply of haribo for when I was next doing a build :D


I tell ya what Joe, I don't know how the OcUK crew kept their hands off us, we are a good looking pair (said no one... ever.)


Oh, and ASUS tee MSI card???! Traitor.

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The new EK D5 pump tops look so good. It matches really nicely with the res too.
The claw on the PSU cover would make for a great lightbox.
looks beast dude, the vinyl is the best part imo ;)

I will figure out how to link the video of you crying like a girl later, but here is what I got out of the trip to OcUK (other than the Awesome Vive experience).

OcUK were babes and wanted to make sure that I had my supply of haribo for when I was next doing a build :D


I tell ya what Joe, I don't know how the OcUK crew kept their hands off us, we are a good looking pair (said no one... ever.)


Oh, and ASUS tee MSI card???! Traitor.

Haha, it was a fun run down to stoke. I look damn good in that Asus Tee, I'm sure they appreciate the free exposure. MSI delivered on stock. so MSI got the win.

The new EK D5 pump tops look so good. It matches really nicely with the res too.
The claw on the PSU cover would make for a great lightbox.

It would right! sadly it doesn't... I hacked out the PSU cover underneath the inlay and 'Addon Customs' send me ultra thin side emitting LED strips to light it up. But it didn't work well enough. I make use of the HDD cage which sits beneath the right hand side of the 'claw'. So when lit from beneath, the right hand side of the logo isn't evenly lit. looks lame, so it was better left as it is.

I was down the pub last night with a guy that apparently is a friend of yours, apparently you guys went to LAN Parties together :D

He was trying to sell me his 970 so he can put the money towards a 1070 when he mentioned a mate of his who had done this 'Crazy Build' in 48 hours... I instantly thought... Not MODZERO??? he jumped on FB and showed me your build :D

lol! Elvis?



The guys at Addon Customs sent me a PM over on the LTT forums around the time I was working on MODZERO FORTY. They kindly offered to get involved with future projects. Addon Customs (check them out on facebook HERE) sell handmade LED strips (among an ever expanding range of other products). When I started this log the build was set to be complete in 48 hours, all the pieces were falling nicely into place and the 1070 was set for release. I reached out and sure enough, 48 hours later, I'd received a selection of made to order custom LED strips.



Addon Customs have a pretty cool tag line, 'OVER 1000 Possible combinations' just provide 'LED Colour - LED Strip Length - Cable Length - Sleeving Colour - Connector Type' and they'll get em made. I asked for bright white, 20/30cm, 40cm, black, 3-pin and that is exactly what I got. The LEDs turned up well packed with some tasty Haribo candy. I didn't have a spare PSU knocking about to get shots of the strips lit up but I've no doubt these will be used in my next few projects so it's bound to happen eventually.



STANDARD LED STRIP - I used the fan controller on the Phanteks EVOLV to control the lighting, all the strips Addon Customs sent me terminate in a 3-Pin fan header. This way I can dim all the lights through a single PWM header on the motherboard.




STANDARD FLEX UV STRIP - Same thickness and quality of the standard strip but in a white pcb UV, I toyed with this in the build being that the Mayhems Pastel green is UV. They packed a punch with a single strip behind the top Rad lighting the whole loop UV style no problem.

They also sent me two new products, which will be hitting their webstore upon it's relaunch on the 29th of this month.




Their new thin ultra bright strips are 250% brighter then the standard strips at only 4.7mm wide. Each LED is a beast. All their strips use a 3M foam tape adhesive, I'm fairly confident these wont peel off after 6 months. I put this one along the roof panel behind the RAD, it certainly is bright. I may be wrong but a ridged PCB version may be on the horizon.



SIDE EMITTING LED strips - I'm loving these! I had two Dazmode ridged strips cut to 15cm, one either side of the Rad. They looked great but IRL looking at the build with the side panel off hit you with direct sight of the bright strips. With this I was able to adhere them tighter into the corners of the chassis with the strips placed on the front/back panels rather then the roof, this meant the LEDs were pointing directly down toward the build. This made a massive difference, no more eye strain.







I've used a number of LED strips over the years, made my own, had them made custom and bought from the big brands. I'm digging these. Many thanks to Addon Customs. I'll be coming back for more.

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