Build Log - New i7 gaming setup.

Sorry for the update delay.. been working away.

OK. All assembled (pics to follow).

Booted to Bios. Noticed the displayed fan speeds on 2 and 3 were jumping all over the place, so you can't 'share' a motherboard fan connector. I have disconnected one of the feedback cables on the splitters so it only reads the speed of one of the connected fans.

Question... front page in Gigabyte Bios says Memory frequency 1600Mhz. These are 2133Mhz memory modules. Why the wrong reading?
Memory box says they are 2133... perhaps I am missing something.

Is there any way to over-ride the fans and get them up to full speed - just to see?
I thought you set the fan control to manual, but it makes no difference.

OK.. Any help appreciated here.

Windows loaded, Gigabyte Easytune software...
The fans on sys fan 1, 2 and 3 just run at a constant speed. They are 3 pin fans.
Is it only 4 pins fans that allow speed control? I can't get any variation of speed.

Trouble is.... I keep getting a pop-up box telling me all my fans are running at below 1500RPM
You would be better asking questions such as these in the specific forum sections rather than include it in your project log mate.
OK.. Any help appreciated here.

Windows loaded, Gigabyte Easytune software...
The fans on sys fan 1, 2 and 3 just run at a constant speed. They are 3 pin fans.
Is it only 4 pins fans that allow speed control? I can't get any variation of speed.

Trouble is.... I keep getting a pop-up box telling me all my fans are running at below 1500RPM

I think you need 4 pin fans, as all the fan connectors are for 4 pin fans. You can either swap the fans or get a proper fan controller.
3pin fans will just run at the rated speed. Unless you use a fan controller or a resister.

4pin fans are PWM which the motherboard can control depending on load
Mmm.. Really would have thought the Coolermaster CPU fan would have been 4 pin, but it isn't.
So, what it the point of having 3 pins fans? OK, it tells you how fast its going, but if you can't change it... who cares?
Not sure why it can't alter the speed by varying the 12v supply.
some motherboards can control 3 pin fans but not all.

as for the speed warnings, have a look in the bios, you can often set the fan speed warnings in there or just remove them completley,

The warnings are most useful if you connect the tach wire from a water pump to the cpu header as it will warn you if the pump fails.
Well I was hoping for a good photo update tonight.... but its all gone **** up.

Firstly... thanks Win7 for that 1.5hr update when I rebooted. What the hell are you installing? (Even though I unticked the check for updates box)

That appears to have screwed my DVD drive. That now randomly appears and disappears from the system (not a loose wire).
Its not listed in Win explorer, and is unaccessable.... then out of the blue it will suddenly reappear 15 minutes later.
Checked the driver and reinstalled it... no luck. Suggestions?

And these poxy fans. They must be speed controlled on 3 pins, as they are varying is speed.
However the lowest 'alarm' you can set in the motherboard software is 0 RPM.
Well for some reason, the top fans sometimes stop (or the RPM drops so low they stop).
This gives me a failed fan warning.

The 4x main fans are only 700 RPM max anyway. I tried them directly off the PSU and they just don't spin that fast (but I am sure they are efficient).

I just think its odd that the tops fans stop

Any help?
Well after last nights 1.5 hr Windows update... gee thanks MS... we had some issues.

HOPING they are sorted out now. Lost the DVD drive, but I think that has been resolved now.

Fans.... selected 'Extreme' in the Coolermaster Windows App and they all span up faster. They are not very loud at all, so I will leave them on that.
Says the CPU is 27 deg at idle.

Planning to stick a fan controller in anyway now.

Stuck Skyrim on there last night... very nice on Ultra high setting. Time to get modding.

Home-made leds worked well. I made a small PCB that switched a clean 12v through for the added leds via the case switch. Thought it best to have its own decent supply.

My Ebay card to connect the Firewire never arrived. So cancelled that and I will get another one.

Apologies for the blurred pic!





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