Just to let me know, I've got some pics I could upload tonight of some 600 grit sanded tube, gives a nice finish.
Yeah, would be lovely to see . Think I'm going to end up doing all the tubing and the res.
In other news I have no idea at all as to what is going on with my case over at Parvum. Last e-mail I had from them was on the 10th of feb (2 weeks ago) stating that there was a little more work to do but I would have the case by mid next week. So basically last week. I've sent them a few e-mails since then asking for an update and not heard back to either. Don't know how else to get in contact with them since I don't have a phone number. The only reason why I am worried is that usually it would only take a day to get a reply from them. Don't suppose anyone knows if they have gone on holiday or anything? I just don't want to come across as a pain to them but would kind of like a status update. Any advice people?