I bet. you going orange Coolent? This your first Wcing? Very good if it is.
Close. I ended up going for yellow coolant as the orange one always looks a bit funny. I've seen pictures of it looking quite strange. So, yellow in the main loop and blue for the other loop.
Yeah...it's my first time watercooling and it's also my first solo build. I'm trying not to mess anything up along the way so just trying to take my time just now and get all the advice I can.
matt100, It looks like the slim fan is going to fit. It's good to know that it won't have too big an impact if it doesn't fit though. The RX series rad that's in there is supposedly optomised for low fan speeds so hopefully it will be alright should the fan not fit.
Update. I've put the feet and sides back on before I start to fill anything.

The rad on the back had to go as the sides wouldn't fit without some more cutting. I'll try it inside the case and hopefully find it another home.

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