BUILD LOG - Project: Stealth X - The Rebel Appliance

I bet. you going orange Coolent? This your first Wcing? Very good if it is.

Close. I ended up going for yellow coolant as the orange one always looks a bit funny. I've seen pictures of it looking quite strange. So, yellow in the main loop and blue for the other loop.'s my first time watercooling and it's also my first solo build. I'm trying not to mess anything up along the way so just trying to take my time just now and get all the advice I can.

matt100, It looks like the slim fan is going to fit. It's good to know that it won't have too big an impact if it doesn't fit though. The RX series rad that's in there is supposedly optomised for low fan speeds so hopefully it will be alright should the fan not fit.

Update. I've put the feet and sides back on before I start to fill anything.


The rad on the back had to go as the sides wouldn't fit without some more cutting. I'll try it inside the case and hopefully find it another home.

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Bradley8988, the slim fan arrived today. It does fit although there's still a bit of contact. By shaving about a mm off, between the fan casing and the fins, I'll be able to fit it.

Thanks for pointing that out. :)
Going to be completely honest...... As it is pretty much completely black, would it not suit the Empire more? They had black ships, black jump suits, Darth wears nothing but black (emo in disguise) and the emperor wears black (prada).
Going to be completely honest...... As it is pretty much completely black, would it not suit the Empire more? They had black ships, black jump suits, Darth wears nothing but black (emo in disguise) and the emperor wears black (prada).

Couldn't agree more!

Looking great though, just a bit...evil?
awesome case!! thats what im planning to do. get myself a a cosmos s and get the acrylpanel if i can find one and have that, then put a 3 fan rad in the top and a 2 fan rad in the bottom after cutting an extra hole in the alloy and then have it like this
3 fan rad > cpu > 2 fan rad > 4870x2 > res/pump and back to 3 fan rad xD
Finished the ram cooler. It turned out better than expected as the white UV paint was a nightmare to apply.

Thanks to w3bbo for the idea of painting the ocz cooler. ;)


All had been going alright until I filled it with coolant and then EPIC FAILURE. The yellow from Feser wasn't quite the kind of yellow I had in mind. It looks more like ink from a neon highlighter pen. :mad: Think I'm going to have to swap it out with some orange? Any suggestions are welcome at this point as I can't even bring myself to turn the UV on at the moment.Haha!

Here you go...for anyone thinking that yellow Feser might be a good idea. :eek:


I think it's back to the drawing board before it's too late. It's not too late for it to be an Imperial mod. ;)
I'm a bit hesitant to mix it rather than drain it and refill. There was a warning on the bottle about not mixing different colours within the range. It would be much easier if I could mix it with another dye though.
Work has been a bit held up on this. Ran into some problems with the Feser One fluid so am in the process of flushing it all out and cleaning. Think I'll go for the orange this time as the yellow was looking dodgy anyway. :D


Yeah. I always wondered why I never saw anyone using that yellow in the gallery.Haha!

I'll definitely be going with coloured tubes next time. ;)

Can you still get the panels?

Doesn't look like ac Ryan does these any more



Got a bit more of the tubing hooked up. I'm now going to be held up waiting for other hose clips. I'm not feeling those Primochill clips at all. Couldn't get them as tight as I wanted. Still going to have to sort out the tubing going to the rad at the back.


Up next, while I'm waiting for the hose clips.

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