Building a kick arse VR Flight Sim setup... Help please..

was? no longer?

On release you'd have to reconnect it via power, a 108 error before they fixed it in software. Have both an Index and a G2 permanently connected now with no issues, either one starts with a one click in to SteamVR. I Saw your question about the base stations, practically the only difference is the extended area of usage with the second iteration. The originals that came with my Vive 5 years ago still work fine today, despite never being powered down. The consensus seems to be that the originals are more reliant, though it's probably more luck of the draw.

Little bit back on the op topic, made a few arm extensions at work for my rig to hook up a new X56 and flight pedals. The drought on that stuff is well over, go for it.
I just do sorry, no answer to that. Only dropped on the thread to answer your question as you seemed new to it, and clear up an outdated problem.
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