I am thinking about building a computer case myself from wood, but is this idea crazy and shouldn’t I do it or will it be fun and work well?
Reasons why to do it:
- Fun
- Allows me to put stuff where I want it (inverted mobo, PSU/HDD’s separate)
- Wood is good for stopping noise?
Reasons not to:
- Might be too difficult (for me)
- Wood resonates?
- Will wood be bad for the components re: earthing?
This is what I thought about so far:
The PSU will be resting on foam, the harddisk will be suspended by rubberbands and the rack will be on foam also.
What is the best way to mount the fans to stop resonance?
The northbridge fan will be changed to a Zalman ZM-NB47J and will be modded to fit.
Any tips on things I can change like less fans or different positions?
Reasons why to do it:
- Fun
- Allows me to put stuff where I want it (inverted mobo, PSU/HDD’s separate)
- Wood is good for stopping noise?
Reasons not to:
- Might be too difficult (for me)
- Wood resonates?
- Will wood be bad for the components re: earthing?
This is what I thought about so far:
The PSU will be resting on foam, the harddisk will be suspended by rubberbands and the rack will be on foam also.
What is the best way to mount the fans to stop resonance?
The northbridge fan will be changed to a Zalman ZM-NB47J and will be modded to fit.
Any tips on things I can change like less fans or different positions?