[Buildlog] 900D My 1st watercooled rig

10 Jan 2013
Hi guys

This will be my 1st watercooled rig. Been building pc's for years and decided to give water a go after looking at so many rigs on here.

Hardware wise i will be sticking with my current i5 setup. as i have spent too much on the watercooling gear. ( got out of hand :p)

Will probably upgrade later in the year after people has had a chance to play around with haswell 1st.

So the original idea was to get a Fractal XL, and then i saw the 800D and thought that was the case. i then purchased a EK H-30 360 HFX watercooling kit.

But then i came across prototype pics of the 900D and fell in love! and that is how it escalated into a custom loop instead!
Thanks guys! The build wont be finished in one go. cant afford to do everything. So will slowly upgrade and change parts as i go. Plus i find it more fun to be able to change or upgrade every now and then

Heres a pic of the koolance QDC. Will be connecting these so that i can remove the motherboard from the loop when the time comes to changing the hardware. all il hav to do is top up!

Right time for some update

took the HD cages, front fan, and all sorts or brackets that i either dont need or thats in the way for now

Also got my radiators out for a flush and fan mounting. Rads are Alphacool UT60 and XT45

Loving it so far :D it would be the d5/mcp655 ver2 in clear. Correct me if I'm wrong
Ordered from the states as for some reason ??? They don't sell them here
It is indeed a clear V2 extreme from Bitspower. But was ordered in uk. mated with a chrome Bitspower mod kit.

A alphacool Vp655 / D5 pump will be used.
bit of a setback :(

Only just noticed OCUK sent me the wrong male Koolance QDC

Below is the item i ordered.


and this was what i got:

totally different fitting. So build bwill have to be on hold til its sorted :(
Well seems like i cant do anything now. Even though the incorrect image was put up, turns up its still my own fault and they wont do anything about it and also wont take a return/refund because of its 14day policy even though it was all caused by 900D delay. :P bit ****ed off to say the least.

Worse thing was after 6 mails saying i have to get a refund/return i went to buy the correct male VL4n fittings they went and told me the 14 day return policy :/ didnt occur to them to tell me at the beginning. so i have 2 males sitting here when i could have brought another pair of female and try to use them, but i will have to waste more money on shipping for another pair.

Feel abit shafted by OCUK. Shame really, will be using a different retailer for all my other bits now.

But enough of that, now back to the build.

Fitted the pump. mounted the res and connected half the pipes.

Added a tap at the bottom so system can be drained pretty easily. the front dust cover jsut about fits!

Also connected the top 8 fans using a 8pin PCB for tidiness and used corsair 7v adapters. then tested to see if it all runs and no problems! very quiet indeed!

And a shot of the back. There is so much space to work with it really is a great case!

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