Bunch of 13 yr olds explain Steam *VID*

Shameful on the human race.

Goes to show what sort of userbase steam has :(
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That puts me off touching the internet again.... one thing talking like you're typing in CS, then posting it on the internet? Ah well, they need to get out a little.

Turbanation said:
unforunately 13 yr old kids do use Steam etc yes they are english and about same age as most of your children :eek:

Steam sucks!

I'd be worried if my kids were 13... hang on, I don't have any :p though that sentence doesn't make very much sense really.
Well, it's nice to put a face to some of the complainers on the Steam forums.

I hope for their sake the video isn't still available when they've grown up.

rambling about steam updating hehe, I thought there might be some real info in the explanation of why steam sucks, like spyware or memory hogging etc :)

altho steam annoyed me when I tried to play halflife2 on singleplayer and it had to update before playing singlaplayer but nvm :D

I thought CS:S was populated by kids like that? (of that age group etc) :p
mortals said:
...I thought CS:S was populated by kids like that? (of that age group etc) :p

It is, it's also quite shocking to think that when I first started playing CS, those 13 year olds were only 7!
Broon said:
Why would you do that. Just why? :confused:

Almost as bad as the Frosties kid

Noooo. Anything but that! If a kid at my school had done anything like that he would have got ripped to shreads....forever. When kids make prats of themselves on the TV or internet or whatever, don't they realise what pain and suffering lies ahead?
mks2005 said:
In fairness, they are still young, we all did stupid things when we were younger. Still terribly painful to watch.

Yes, but the the rather drastic difference that usually only your family or close friends saw, and was forgotten quite quickly :D Now millions of people will rip into them for years .. and the video evidence will remain for a long time to haunt them :D
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