Bunch of 13 yr olds explain Steam *VID*

00gnome and majugarzett.......


Broon said:
Why would you do that. Just why? :confused:

Almost as bad as the Frosties kid

Noo that advert is a legend. Makes me tap my feet and nod along everytime its on...

"Even ladies who wait(sp?) or a pirATE."

Pff think that says it all :)
It's true though, their absolute retarded actions are thrust into immortality now.

Everyone get commenting on their videos and let the rippage begin :p


Fubar said:
ROFL at Andelusion's comment

"What are you doing?"


lol :p
NOOOO - was gonna watch this later. Only watched a bit as I was in the middle of a Dawn of War game online. Looked shockingly bad. Really wanted to watch the rest.
lol... how are you supposed to know if you like a vid without watching it?

And lol, using 'n00bs' and 'understand simple english' in the same sentence... good old kids eh ? :p
I only saw a tiny bit of it as I had to rush out a few seconds in and when i got back it had gone :@

Nonetheless from what I saw I'm willing to bet most 13yr olds have similarly inane conversations.

I only just got round to watching it :(

I tried watching it at work then remembered the works pc i use has no sound :(
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