bus powered mobile drive?

20 Jul 2005
the dirty souf
So I finally decided to go for a MacBook to run logic on, but now I'm in need of an external hard drive to go with it. I have a number of bus-powered 2.5" drives, but these are somewhat limited in capacity and speed. Larger, faster 3.5, but all the models I have seen rely on mains power, which is not ideal.
I do remeber seeing a firewire bus powered 3.5" mobile drive, but I can't seem to find it again.
Have any of you come across such a drive, or can suggest a suitable product?
The Wiebtech looks pretty good to. I'm looking for a drive that is at least 320GB so I'll probably go for the Lacie or get a Wiebtech enclosure. From what it says on the website it should work with a 13" MacBook.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Shame about the Wiebetech UltraGB being discontinued. I would have got one of them if they were available. In the end I've decided that I will use 160GB 5400 RPM 2.5" drives. That seems to be the most cost effective option. I looked at the Freecom tough drives, but they seem to be only available in 4200RPM models. Sticking with Lacie, the rugged all terrain drives seem to be quite attractive as they appear to be more robust than other models. The big little disk seems a little pricey for a 320GB drive. I'll probably stick to using multiple 160GB drives until a better solution appears on the market.
OK so I bought a brand new 160GB 2.5" IDE drive and a USB caddy for it. All is well apart from something which has just come to my attention. The MacBook only has two USB ports. If I use one for a mouse and the other for an audio interface, there would be none left for a HDD. Using a hub is not ideal, as I don't want to have to lug around loads of unnecesarry gear, plus I have experienced random audio glitches in the past whilst using a mouse connected to a hub. One soultion would be to use a firewire caddy to house the drive.
Can anyone reccomend me a suitable caddy, that uses a 1394 connection to provide power and transfer data to a 2.5" drive?
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