bus stops that are not set back from the road

We have lots of very silly bus stops. Most are across from each other, so 2 busses stop going diff directions no one can move to get past them.

Stops that are right after traffic lights causing huge traffic jams cos people cant work out to leave the junction clear.

Bus stops that are over bike lanes, i get busses hooting and me and trying to intimidate me off the road so they can get in there stop when im using my bike lane to get up the road.

They recently decided to make one of our most used bus stop areas (5 stops in about 500yards of side road) all at an angle, seemed a good idea to help them park at there stops nice and easy, but they didnt make them long enough so one big bus uses it and no other busses or cars can get up the road.

....i could go on and on and on and on but im sure ** fed up with me by now.
and Bristol.

The government is set on "reducing" CO2 yet the council keep changing road layouts to create traffic jams on purpose.
sounds like Brighton :(

tons of busses everywhere holding everyone up :( - I heard that they stopped making recessed bus stops because drivers were complaining that no one let them out.

Despite the Highway code telling drivers to do just that.

I'd imagine its nothing to do with drivers not letting them out, more, its far cheaper to paint "Bus Stop" on a road rather than construct a proper stop with a pull in.
In London they have some which actually come "out" of the pavement almost like a pier. :confused: I mean WTF is that about?

There are some like that in Plymouth as well, and if the road is still wide enough to give the opportunity to get past a stationary bus they'll put an island adjacent to the stop to prevent it. Councils are being encouraged to push anti-car policies hard to make driving unpleasant and encourage use of public transport. It won't work of course, even if I could only afford to run an FSO Polonez, I'd gladly drive it in preference to setting foot on one of the smoke belching, scrote filled abominations that laughably pass as public transport. In fact it's largely backfired as shown the number of big 4x4's that can comfortably handle the unmaintained roads and ridiculous speed bumps.

The cretins have just put some islands at a junction I use quite often than means larger vehicles can literally no longer make the turn without mounting the pavement and my Fiat with it's supertanker-like steering lock can only just get around without kerbing if I line the car up perfectly. Come the revolution Plymouth City Council will be first up against the wall...
^Nicely summed up Dog, public transport would be used if it was cheap, clean and worth the time.

Mmmm... that's one thing I really don't get about public transport in this country.

Charge people double rates when they actually need to use it (i.e. rush hour) and then subject them to smoke (both tobacco and weed in the case of West Midlands buses), robbery and abuse (being sworn at and threatened for asking kids to stop smoking). And then I have the worry that the train will be cancelled, making me late for work (on my first day, I had three cancelled on me even though I rolled up at the station half an hour before I needed to).

Hmmm... yes. I think I'd rather be driven over to work than catch public transport.
I shall never use public transport!! Well that's not true, I use it when I have to.

I currently drive from SE London to Enfield everyday - it's actually quicker than taking the train, and I can sit in my lovely air conned leather seated environment and enjoy the radio/music and just not worry about catching a disease off a benefit scrounger.
i cant be the only person who finds these incredibly annoying? they must contribute a lot to traffic problems

it took me twice as long as typical to get along a road this morning because a bus was stopping at these stops all the way along it with no way for me to get past, there was a big queue forming up behind said bus.

around romford they are filling in the set back ones and putting the bus stops IN the road now...


WHO KNOWS?!?! I dont understand 90% of the stuff done by the coucils :(
i cant be the only person who finds these incredibly annoying? they must contribute a lot to traffic problems

it took me twice as long as typical to get along a road this morning because a bus was stopping at these stops all the way along it with no way for me to get past, there was a big queue forming up behind said bus.

almost all roads in bideford are like that lol
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