I have broken it down into two different startup costs. One if I self fund it and work part time, t'other if I quit my job and go full time.
As you say, with the latter the majority of the it is salary. It is an increase on what I earn now but only as a safety in case my gf loses her job so we're suddenly up the creek without a paddle.
So you're saying that to an investor, it would be more appealing if I am just opting for quitting my current job and going full time?
If I do it part time, I do not need an investor.
Couple of things...
No investor will want to hear you using their cash for your safety net. Paying yourself more, just in case, is not something investors will take kindly too, they expect you to take some risks too, not just de-risk your life at their costs. I would not mention you plan to pay yourself more than you are on today, less would be more appealing in fact.
This is a key point, just having an idea is not really worth much if it doesn't come with skin the in game. That could be working massive hours, that could be earning significantly less or it could mean hard targets to achieve on which bonuses are released.
I have invested and also been involved in a few start ups as a board advisor and any investor worth their salt will expect it to hurt not just their pocket but yours too as then they will believe you are committed.