Business Update

14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
As some of you already know, I started my own lab making glasses for independent opticians. After more or less trebling my workload about a month ago, I am now taking adavntage of exponential growth, having now doubled my workload again as of next week.

As a result I can now go full time in the lab and take a very good wage. It's been stressfull to the nth degree(where n is a poistive whole number :p ), but worth it in every way. For those considering self employment, do it if you are determined and stubborn like me :)
I am pretty chuffed and tbh the best thing about the business is that it is completely scalable. I can't wait until next year now :D
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Angus-Higgins said:
Congratulations! :p (Keep working hard).

(You reminded me of another funny phrase: "nth degree" [I always think about if "n" was negative or 0; it would have a meaning which is the opposite to what is intended {i.e. the level of whatever is referred to would be small rather than large}]).

Angus Higgins

edited just for you :)
Sounds like an interesting job ! I bet it's stresfull !

Well done and good luck for the future mate.
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