Buying a Domain/Affordable Hosting with PHP and MySQL Support.

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hey guys,

I need to register a domain name pretty sharpish – I suspect that a classmate has the same idea in mind!

Any domain sellers that you can vouch for – it’ll be a site, so I’d like to get a certificate with my purchase :D

I have no intention of publishing my site until at least December – Is that still okay? ‘Cyber squatting’ or whatever it’s called, they haven’t banned it or anything?

Also I haven’t found anyone to host my site yet. It’s for my third year project at Uni, so I don’t want it to cost the world, so what can you recommend that’s reasonable.

I’ll need PHP/MySQL support for sure, but I think that’s it as my core requirements go. Anything else would be a bonus ;)


SW. i have found to be the cheapest for's at arround £6 for two years. Yes it is ok to buy a domain and do nothing with it, i have about 10 just sat here doing nothing.

For hosting there are thousands out there, ebays one can be cheap but not very relieable apart from that have a look arround there is plenty of deals on there aswell recommendations and stay away froms.
sam.wheale said:
I have no intention of publishing my site until at least December – Is that still okay? ‘Cyber squatting’ or whatever it’s called, they haven’t banned it or anything?
That's perfectly fine :)

Cybersquatting is more to do with buying a domain with the intention of not ever using it for something other than to sell it on to its (probably rightful) owners for vast sums of money :)
chesterstu said: i have found to be the cheapest for's at arround £6 for two years. Yes it is ok to buy a domain and do nothing with it, i have about 10 just sat here doing nothing.
Would they send me a certificate :D

I really want a certificate :p :p :p

What about email addresses associated with the domain? Eg. [email protected] etc? 123-Reg charges per email, don't some sites give you say 10 or whatever for free when you signup...


SW. said:
Registrants Online/Online Reply Form/Confirmation of Registration Letter

I have received a Confirmation of Registration Letter. What do I need to do?

Nominet now issues a Confirmation of Registration letter for every domain name which is registered or renewed

Nominet are the UK domain registry and send out letters for every domain registration - doesn't matter who you actually register the domain with :)
I've been using Register1 for 3 years now, and have tons of Accounts with them.
I get unlimited free email addresses with my domains, and you have the ability to upgrade to a full hosting account whenever you need.

If only Youtube knew about that deal, they could save themselves millions!
I think its reasonably unlimited ... if you start abusing it ... like transferring 30 gig a day, every day for months ... then tbh :) your going to get kicked off probably .... but hay ... your website would have to host a lot of stuff and be very successful to get anywhere near that really! By that time you should be looking for a more professional/permanent hosting or upgrade or something :p
sam.wheale said:
Would they send me a certificate :D

I really want a certificate :p :p :p

What about email addresses associated with the domain? Eg. [email protected] etc? 123-Reg charges per email, don't some sites give you say 10 or whatever for free when you signup...



You do get the certificate through the post and the number of emails depends on your hosting company
-Colli$ion- said:
I think its reasonably unlimited ... if you start abusing it ... like transferring 30 gig a day, every day for months ... then tbh :) your going to get kicked off probably

So if you can't use it all of the time what would that mean? :D ;)

Thats correct folks. Its not unlimited.
Beansprout said:
But why be on a service which will inevitably have others abusing it, thus degrading your experience? :)

1) No worry about going over your bandwidth quota and ending up with a bill (i know its very unlikely, but its for peace of mind!)

2) The service also offers MANY features that you would otherwise have to pay extra for.

3) If they do kick you off because your bandwidth was going over the roof, they give you a full refund.

4) They are very cheap, and have a good reputation.

Compare Streamline to 1&1

1&1 Hosting


Compare 1&1 Home vs Streamling Unlimited

Price for 2 years: 1&1 £140.64
Streamlinenet £67.98

The Streamlinenet Hosting others hell of a lot more for your money, check out the links to compare.
JonRohan said:
So if you can't use it all of the time what would that mean? :D ;)

Thats correct folks. Its not unlimited.

Nothing is unlimited, its like the unlimited internet connections .... fair use policy which directly conflicts with the “unlimited” advertising.

You’re only limited by how much money you spend, and nobody has unlimited funds, so nothing it unlimited. ;)

You wish to provide a link to any other hosting for the same sort of price that actualy compares, because all the hosting I've seen go stupid price for the services that streamlinenet offer.
-Colli$ion- said:
You wish to provide a link to any other hosting for the same sort of price that actualy compares, because all the hosting I've seen go stupid price for the services that streamlinenet offer.

I wouldn't be able to as I don't purchase hosting like that. I also have 4 dedicated servers to choose from. ;).
Sigh :)

You wish to provide a link to any other hosting for the same sort of price that actualy compares, because all the hosting I've seen go stupid price for the services that streamlinenet offer.
Have you ever looked at Ochostreview? Plenty of non-stupidly-priced hosts on there :confused:

You're making a strange argument because if anyone tries to comapre any package you'll say they offer more - of course they do (on paper) - they offer "unlimited"! Nevermind practical limitations!

I'm not really going to argue since some people can't be converted, but if you become a millionaire selling unlimited hosting and I'm left in the dust because I chose to sell stuff a sensible way, then you can hammer on all you like and I'll listen in shame :)
Beansprout said:
You're making a strange argument because if anyone tries to comapre any package you'll say they offer more - of course they do (on paper) - they offer "unlimited"! Nevermind practical limitations!

What else can you go by? You can only judge them by what they say on paper, same goes for everything isnt it? There not the first company to offer "unlimited" services cough* Pipex, Orange ect ect ect

Beansprout said:
I'm not really going to argue since some people can't be converted, but if you become a millionaire selling unlimited hosting and I'm left in the dust because I chose to sell stuff a sensible way, then you can hammer on all you like and I'll listen in shame :)

Ochostreview, Noted.

I m not saying Streamlinenet are the best, I m saying Streamlinenet are the best I've seen! there may well be better hosting out there, but I can only comment on information I know lol, strangely enough. :p
-Colli$ion- said:
What else can you go by? You can only judge them by what they say on paper, same goes for everything isnt it? There not the first company to offer "unlimited" services cough* Pipex, Orange ect ect ect
What I meant was that I'd probably come back with some super-large hosting package, then you'd say "nah..this lot still offer more" - of course they do as they say 'unlimited' however that's only 'unlimited' on paper. For example, my plan would be expensive however you'd be able to use all the huge resources, whereas with your 'unlimited' one they'd cut you off. Hence, on paper yours looks best but when it gets down to it - it most likely isn't.

Streamlinenet may of course be great and tolerate the really high-usage users, but surely 'unlimited' hosting surely can't be as good as quota'd stuff.

I'm just saying that purchasing an 'unlimited' plan over a similarly-priced plan with clear limits is a bit of a fallacy and probably won't be as good in the long run :)

Finding good companies is hard, and I'd pick Streamlinenet over 1&1 for sure, but hopefully Ochostreview will show you the good side of the hosting world (as well as a few to avoid - but most on there seem to be good folk) :cool:
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