Buying two of these for Raid 0

3 Jul 2005
Canada - where the beer flows
I should have 2 Hitachi Deskstar T7K250 160GB SATA2 next week for my first raid setup. I'm running a DFI NF4 Ultra D, but I have no experience with raid. I've read some stickys but I'm still unsure about a couple things. With raid 0 will I get 320gb of space or would I be limited to 160gb? And when putting these drives in raid 0 would I set them both to master, or how does that work?
xtreme.BIN said:
RAID 0 will be the size of both the drives capacity added together (320Gb in your case 2x160)
Best to have both drives jumpers set the same.

awesome, thanks!

I want to put them in Raid 0 because I wan't faster loading times in BF2 mainly;) The only important data I have are music, drivers, and favorite links, which I have backed up on another computer anyways.
Dutch Guy said:
I have an almost identical setup, I have two 250Gb Hitachi drives in a RAID-o setup.

You need to install NVRAID drivers, set the SATA channels to RAID in the BIOS and create a RAID-0 array by pressing F10 at boot to initialize the NVRAID setup.

But game loading times are one of the things that isn't really ant faster with a RAID-0 array, Windows operation and file transfers are faster though.

Also you will not have 320Gb buy ~298Gb due to the way HDD manufacturers see 1Mb=1000Kb

thanks for mentioning that.

my supplier was short on these drives so they sent me one and said I could expect the other next week, so is it safe to still install windows and everything on my one drive, while waiting for the other to get here?

btw could you please guide me to those drivers?

SiriusB said:
Sounds like a lot of things could go wrong with this though... personally I would be patient and set up the RAID array from the start with both drives. This way you avoid having to install XP twice and all the drivers should the conversion fail.


Ya I'll just wait it out.

Thanks for the advice guys I probably would have borked this up if I didn't come for help.
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