You got me there?
Anyway, I have managed to get the BIOS up... Dont know what I did, just swapped the Card round a bit and there it went in????
Anyway, I put the cards back to their original slot and its seemingly ok for now.
Right. Im pleased to say that I am back up to 430FSB and even more happy to say its now at 4-4-4-12.
Im not verifying this one but previously, I was at 400 and tried to take it to 4-4-4-12 and it would fail... This time I ran the CPU stock and knocked the RAM there and then once it was happy with the RAM there, I put the CPU bck to 400 and then to 430 and its gone in... If that was the reason I dont know, and as its seemingly ok here, I dont really care.
Ok, I ran SuperPI and I got 23 and then after killing off a number of apps ( FAH x 2 , StarOffice QuickStarter, Daemon Tools, uTorrent, SpeedFan, WinAmp, and Creative taskbr launcher ) I gained another 2 sconds but its still above 20 on 430FSB?
I think that I am going to have to cut my losses here a bit and chuck the corsair back in... At 400FSB I was getting 18 FFS! so I think the corsair is the superior RAM.
Also its definitely a little more sluggish now with this Geil.
The RAM Volts are still on 2.1 By the way.
Ok, one more question...
Im running v4.27 and with my AMDs I have taken the CPU temps to actually be temp 2
I have been told that the DS3 reads the CPU Volts as Temp 1
Now, these are my readings from SpeedFan v4.27 :-
Temp 1 = 35c / Temp 2 = 56c / Temp3 = -1c
HD0 = 24 / HD1 = 25 / HD2 = 24
Also, looking at the Volts is interesting and confusing too???
My volts are reading :-
Vcore1 = 1.26
Vore2 = 2.06v
+3.3 = 3.36v
+5 = 4.87v
+12v = 1.98v
-12v = -16.97
-5 = -8.58
+5 = 5.12
Vbat =3.15
Do these look normal?
Erm, its a HYper 530w PSU
This is on the Gigabyte DS3 with F7 BIOS
Anyway, I have managed to get the BIOS up... Dont know what I did, just swapped the Card round a bit and there it went in????
Anyway, I put the cards back to their original slot and its seemingly ok for now.
Right. Im pleased to say that I am back up to 430FSB and even more happy to say its now at 4-4-4-12.
Im not verifying this one but previously, I was at 400 and tried to take it to 4-4-4-12 and it would fail... This time I ran the CPU stock and knocked the RAM there and then once it was happy with the RAM there, I put the CPU bck to 400 and then to 430 and its gone in... If that was the reason I dont know, and as its seemingly ok here, I dont really care.
Ok, I ran SuperPI and I got 23 and then after killing off a number of apps ( FAH x 2 , StarOffice QuickStarter, Daemon Tools, uTorrent, SpeedFan, WinAmp, and Creative taskbr launcher ) I gained another 2 sconds but its still above 20 on 430FSB?
I think that I am going to have to cut my losses here a bit and chuck the corsair back in... At 400FSB I was getting 18 FFS! so I think the corsair is the superior RAM.
Also its definitely a little more sluggish now with this Geil.
The RAM Volts are still on 2.1 By the way.
Ok, one more question...
Im running v4.27 and with my AMDs I have taken the CPU temps to actually be temp 2
I have been told that the DS3 reads the CPU Volts as Temp 1
Now, these are my readings from SpeedFan v4.27 :-
Temp 1 = 35c / Temp 2 = 56c / Temp3 = -1c
HD0 = 24 / HD1 = 25 / HD2 = 24
Also, looking at the Volts is interesting and confusing too???
My volts are reading :-
Vcore1 = 1.26
Vore2 = 2.06v
+3.3 = 3.36v
+5 = 4.87v
+12v = 1.98v
-12v = -16.97
-5 = -8.58
+5 = 5.12
Vbat =3.15
Do these look normal?
Erm, its a HYper 530w PSU
This is on the Gigabyte DS3 with F7 BIOS