as above, they are used for measuring congestion
eveytime you drive over them it records a break in the pressure.
Helps to give road planners an idea of traffic flow as it logs the date and time of the car passing as well. you'll usually see the little grey box they're connected to that stores the data.
Seriously, lay it to rest now. They can't and never will be used to measure speed. And, even if they were, how would they know what car had driven over them??
They are purely to count traffic, nothing more, nothing less.
Seriously, lay it to rest now. They can't and never will be used to measure speed. And, even if they were, how would they know what car had driven over them??
They are purely to count traffic, nothing more, nothing less.
I still dont believe they have anything to do with speed.
A good friend of mine is a civil engineer for a council and I asked him about this a while ago, he said they were always used for measuring quantity of traffic for planning roadworks etc. The 2 cables are there to measure direction of traffic when they span both sides of the road.
I may be wrong but there's no way these will be anything approaching accurate for measuring speed and I'm 99% sure speed camera locations are chosen based on accident rates. If they wanted to measure speed, why wouldnt they just use a radar device?
I thought they were laid down so you could see if you can snap them by locking up over them
ive been told.. if you see 8 cable's on the ground you win.. Im yet to find out what.
in the old days70`s n 80`s they were how the cops court you speeding
but thats not what there used for anymore.
there not for catching you, there for seeing how many cars are speeding on that stretch of road to see if its worth putting a speed cam there, if it is you will end up seeing a cam there
Was that a story you just made up? Or did you see it on The Professionals? Either way, someone who can't use "their", "they're" or "there" without help doesn't deserve to be believed
In London it's normally speed bumps.90% of places I've seen them around here, a speed camera has been placed in the same spot a few months later.
In London it's normally speed bumps.