The motherboard memory compatibility list is very much a non-exhaustive list of modules that work with the board - as they can't physically test all modules with every board. Instead, it is used as a good yard-stick to check what type of modules (voltage, frequency, timings, DRAM arrangement) work fine with that board.
As these modules are 1.5V and certified to run on P67 and X79 boards then they are basically guarnteed to work fine on any Z77 board - like that Asrock one.
That PSU will be excellent with a GTX 570 card and this new system.
As for the differences between the board seems to be that the Extreme 6 has a third PCIE x16 slot - so you can run three graphics cards in SLI or CF. However, this slot only runs at PCIE gen2 x4 speed - so not ideal for this task.
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