Caliper Paint

18 Oct 2002
Can anyone RECOMMEND a decent brand of caliper paint that wont flake, go dull and be a waste of time after 10 miles for painting my brakes?
I had the standard Halfords stuff on my Astra and it still looked good after a year

I cleaned the callipers thoroughly first though and added about 3 or 4 coats allowing to dry in-between
Powdercoating would leave the best finish, although that turns out to be more than a £10 tin of paint in an afternoon job.

I just get Hammerite (what ever colour) and put about 3 med-thick coats on every 15-20mins or so, the brush marks will go away when the paint settles and it will leave a nice, glossy finish.
ajgoodfellow said:
I cleaned the callipers thoroughly first though and added about 3 or 4 coats allowing to dry in-between

Its often better to leave it tacky inbetween coats so the top coat going on has something to "bond" to :)
The solid colours seem to have a nicer shine, for example red and black shine up better than silver or gold, more of a glossy finish.
Well I did mine red and it looks nice, its pretty shiney but that will soon dull as the brake dust builds up.
Has anyone who has painted their brakes used Lacquer on them? If so which one did you use?
Psycrow said:
Well I did mine red and it looks nice, its pretty shiney but that will soon dull as the brake dust builds up.
Has anyone who has painted their brakes used Lacquer on them? If so which one did you use?

Have you tired wiping over with a sponge? seems to do the trick for me, lacquered ones will still gather the same ammount of dust, and will still need cleaning :)
I'm not fussed about brake dust, you can barely see the calipers and they spend a lot of time covered in mud, i just want them to be protected :)
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