Call of Duty 17: Black Ops Cold War

I think the cheapest way to get this is still gonna be via VPN. I used a Ukranian server to create a battlenet account and bought Modern Warfare for about £25 on launch and haven't had to ever use the VPN for launching or playing the game. Further purchases need a VPN to pay in RUB.

Cold War is 2800 rub which is £28 atm. You can now gift from the Russian store so you might be able to gift the game from a new Russian account to your current UK account.

Do you have a blizzard account already? You'll need to setup a new one to be able to order it.

Really easy, follow these steps:

1. Download and install a VPN called Speedify, you get 2GB free.

2. Connect to either Russia or Ukraine.

3. Open your browser and go to the blizzard website and choose Call of Duty Cold War from the drop down menu under the Games tab. You should see the price in RUB, it should show RUB2799 which is £26.

4. Follow the steps to create a new account, you can use a UK paypal account to pay.

5. Install the Battlenet app and login using the details you signed up with.

If you need any help setting it up then i don't mind helping. :)

Depends if you want a UK or Ukrainian account. UK account is more hassle now, maybe less later. You also will have to wait 3 days before you can gift with the UK account.

UK account: Create your main 'playing' battlenet account without a VPN. Create your 'buying' battlenet account with a Ukrainian VPN. Add them as friends, wait 3 days, buy BOCW as a gift on the Ukrainian account using the VPN, paying in Russian roubles, sending it to your UK account. Disconnect VPN, switch to UK account, download and play.

Ukrainian account: Create your battlenet account with a Ukrainian VPN, buy BOCW, paying in Russian roubles, disconnect VPN, download and play.

With the 2nd method you only have to connect to a VPN again if you want to buy something in Roubles as it defaults to Euro and costs twice as much.
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its even better if you brought mw last time doing it you dont even need to mess about as you just buy on same account in rubels :p £28 is a buy.
I'm enjoying it, really brings my system to it's knees though - with everything set to low @ ultrawide and 1080ti it struggles to maintain 100fps and just all round feels jittery.
The slide mechanic is questionable though...The audio to my ears is incredible, finally enemy footsteps that work.
I'm enjoying it, really brings my system to it's knees though - with everything set to low @ ultrawide and 1080ti it struggles to maintain 100fps and just all round feels jittery.
The slide mechanic is questionable though...The audio to my ears is incredible, finally enemy footsteps that work.

Strange, i'm running 3440x1440p on a 1080ti and i'm running the game lovely on high settings
It feels like it's running at a much lower FPS than is says in my FPS counter. It says above 100fps nearly all the time but feels like it's running at half that. Target tracking is dreadful...
I'm having problem launching this, when it loads up and gets to the part where it asks you to accept whatever it seems to automatically jump past it to a black screen with music that eventually stops but nothing else.

Anyone had a similar problem?

Edit: Ignore above sorted..
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Performance seems pretty abysmal on my system at 1440p, turned everything to lowest just to make sure I'm always at or around 160fps, but worst still is the stuttering, need to see if my driver's or something else
Played lovely on my laptop last night, mix of medium/high and getting 95-100fps

I7 9750h
1080p 144hz

Really enjoyed it, I'm normally a BF player but I'm happy to buy this COD, that's a first since MW2 lol
I've gone back to MW, I really don't like this year's CoD, Go as far as to say one of the worst CoDs i've played.

Interesting how things differ - I love it compared to the recent COD games....

100 times better for me.

I get it's very personal, and people like different things, but for me it's great fun, really enjoying it and genuinely the first COD in years I'm tempted to purchase.
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