Call of Duty 3 gameplay video

Sem said:
i thought they where dropping the WW2 theme for CoD3

This one is console only apparently. Probably not a bad idea as cod2 fell short of expectations on the pc.
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im bored of ww2 themed fps games now, updated visuals but same gameplay. cod1 was a good game but flogging a dead horse comes to mind. unless there a destructable environments and ragdoll deaths or anything to improve the gameplay in not getting it.
Reppyboyo said:
Oh joy, just like the first two.

Whoop de do. :rolleyes:

Yup, i played the demo of the 2nd one, and i said 'its just COD 1, but they have different uniforms on'. :D

Could have just done a uniform change patch for COD 1 tbh, would have been better than paying £30+ for it. :p
KennyBhoy said:
This should be in the Console section as it's a X360 gameplay video :p ;)

Thought it was PS3 footage since it was using PS controller buttons to indicate which buttons to press.
Nah don't agree guys, I'd much rather use WW2 weapons than current ones.

Not that bothered tbh, CoD2 ruined my online gaming as its near enough replaced UO which was absolutely amazing. I miss it so much:(
Tim said:
Nah don't agree guys, I'd much rather use WW2 weapons than current ones.

Not that bothered tbh, CoD2 ruined my online gaming as its near enough replaced UO which was absolutely amazing. I miss it so much:(

I didn't like UO Multiplayer, it was the tanks that really ticked me off. Just play BF1942 if you want tanks!

Nothing can't beat the CoD for multiplayer, my cousin and I spent months pretty much constantly playing it (If I remember we used to play on Jolt's Custom Maps all the time). Ah good ol' days :D
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moody said:
Thought it was PS3 footage since it was using PS controller buttons to indicate which buttons to press.

theres a blue X button on the 360 pad.

as for the footage, wow it looks amazing. especially for a console :cool:
that doesnt look any better than CoD2 on a high end pc, infact, the mp40 looks shockingly bad.. FPS's were made for PC, they just dont work on console...
deko said:
that doesnt look any better than CoD2 on a high end pc, infact, the mp40 looks shockingly bad.. FPS's were made for PC, they just dont work on console...

Funnily enough they do work on consoles and many people enjoy them and buy them. Not all people care about graphics, just some people who have the best of everything don't see it that way because they have had the luxury of it looking better. It's about the game really not the graphics, although they make it more enjoyable the video wasn't that bad not to warrant it not going on a console.

Infact if that was a clip directly from a console i'd say that was absolutely amazing as i stated in my very first post.
I wondered how long it would take them to feature interactive-cinematic-pap-scenes. Yawn. The game looked no better than COD2 to me, but even more linear/scripted.
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Looks lovely jubley :) A lot of the explosions look very nice, I actually like FPS on a console now, a couple of months ago (before owning a 360) I was with the 'OMG can't do FPS on a console!one' crowd but now It's actually pretty exhilerating scrambling to aim at someone when with a mouse you'd be there immediately :p
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