Call of Duty 3 gameplay video

ScarySquirrel said:
I personally hate FPS on consoles due to not having a mouse and keyboard
I just dont understand why the console makers dont give options to have a mouse & keypad for FPS..but yet they claim this is the ultimate in gaming with only a joypad even tho its been known for over a decade that a keypad & mouse rules for FPS.
Look at how many console FPS that have some sort of aiming assistance in them.
The UT2007 makers say that they are trying to make it that the PC players do not have a huge advantage over the console players as they can play against each other on the same servers & maps because of the control system.

How are they going to do that, autoaim for the console players.. where is the skill going to come from then.
Has it been confirmed by the makers that it's not going to be available on the PC ?
Even if its just a re-hash of the previous version (like CoD2 was) - it was successful and had a big online following.

I don't see the point in making it XBox360 only - it's not as if it wouldn't sell by the bucket load on the PC. I played the 360 version of CoD2 - it looked inferior to my PC version

I would like a cross genre online shooter - to allow XBox360 and PC users connect to the same server :D - then we would show them the effects of the mouse !
I can't see CoD3 selling well on PC tbh. The makers would get slated for rehashing (yet again!) the same tired old WW2 game. How many times can you single handedly end the war before it gets boring, anyway?
Not one for me loved cod, cod2 wasn't as good, and that just looks like cod2 again, same sort of visuals. How about making a updated one with modern stuff, all this ww2 stuff is getting abit boring.
Updated warfare is gash, that's why..

WW2: "Enemy troops ahead!!!1 Man the machine guns! <player> You take point! DAKAKAKAKAKAKA DIE NAZI SCUM!!! YAARRR!"

Modern: "Enemy Tropps ahead. *yawn* Charlie Foxtrot Tango, enemy troops at position alpha bravo nine whiskey mars bar." "Copy that, F16's striking now!" "All clear! Get the picnic out boys!"
heh definate console game... did any of u actually play cod2 ? the whole dynamic was completely different to the first game with it being pure action all the time.... i thought it was actually quite a good game if you just let yourself enjoy it

little gimmicks like where u has a fight with that german just make me not want to play the game though... make a game good, dont throw in rubbish little gimmicks to pretend youve made a new game

ps. pc > consoles, its called a mouse and keyboard and that is the end of the discussion
A controller just doesn't compare to a keyboard and mouse

I remember watching counter-strike on the xbox and these "pros" were quite clearly average skilled due to the fact they was aiming with controllers.

I'm a little cheesed off this isn't being released on the PC tbh, it's a bloody FPS! I'm certainly not playing a FPS on a console :rolleyes:

A great series of games ruined..
I missed COD 2 as id had enough of World War 2. This might come at the right time though as my needs grow.. whats the ETA?
I'll be getting a copy!!!!!

Looks cool, yeah WW them can be a bit too much but I like shooting ppl so I can deal with that! :D
to those who say it looks like cod2:

WTF? Looks nothing like it! Looks like a different engine, has far more detail, loads more scenery (objects, terrain is more 'life like') etc. etc.
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