I thought this thread would have had loads of replies! Bad times! I can't wait to get home and play
Played it for 4 hours last night. Used to playing black ops 2 on PC so this is going to take getting used too.
It's fairly obvious who's owned it previously as they're smashing everyone else, amazing what knowing the map does for your KD.
There's also some very suspiciously accurate shooting from certain players, watching them you'd think they were using kb&m.
Overall I'm liking it (apart from the irritant op snipers) it generally seems quite campy though, less run and gun than I'm used to.
I must have had some serious rose tinted glasses back when cod4 first came out. Actually enjoyed the IW MP better! Hopefully with more games over the weekend I'll change my mind.
9 years on you're probably just getting owned by the kids playing the game. Like me. Still enjoying it mind.