Another awful cod game , stop wasting money on this junk
maybe dont play it then
battlefield is same yet people flock to it
I don't think they've gone far enough with the noobification in the previous games I would really like to see the following in MW4:
Having an overall low K/D on your account should give you god mode until it's above 5:1.
Can you believe that bullets would actually deviate by 0.01 degrees if you held LMB?!?! well they should ditch that for 100% laser accurate guns. Because the 98% of the previous titles is just too hard for gaming.
Killstreaks? damage streaks!!! having to kill people is way too difficult to lay waste to the map, every 10 points of dmg will rank up your streak!
Damagestreaks? movement streaks!!! having to hit people is way too difficult to lay waste to the map, every 1m moved will rank up your streak!
Last time I played this only 50% of my screen was spammed full of awesome things about what I'm unlocked and the people I've just killed... the other 50% should be used to spam DLC advertising and general ego massaging.
I also want to give Activision a lot more money; they've earned it. £60 standard edition release with just 1 map, the rest of the maps released daily for £30 each.
Another awful cod game , stop wasting money on this junk
all im saying is can we at least see this game before saying its just cod same old game.
Yeah they will sell, of course they will, doesnt mean they are good, it means people like them because they are playable, which all cod games are. But thats all they are is playable. They are garbage, i for one won't ever waste another penny on one of those titles. As for Battlefield, i thought BF3 was the most over rated game ive ever played other than bioshock infinite.
Even if they threw 1 billion at making the new cod, i can still see it turning out the same old poorly optimised game.
Dg, it's not often I agree with your angle on things, but this time I do.
Why slate a game before it has even been previewed?
Everyone complains that the same thing is just churned out iteration after iteration. Those same people complain when a sequel comes out and the devs have tried to do something different saying it's nothing like the original.
Take games on their own merit without pre-conceived ideas and expectations. Sick of everyone being so synical and judging.