Call of Duty WWII (CoD 2017?)

31 Oct 2005
Unless you play tdm it takes far too long to get into a game, matchmaking takes forever. Unacceptable for a multiplayer game.

Have sledgehammer said they are planning to fix this, if not I'm selling / returning it

Now 15 minutes and waiting to even get a tdm game, garbage
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5 May 2007
To be fair it's the first CoD in a long time that I've enjoyed playing MP, probably because my nostalgia of playing CoD and CoD:UO religiously years ago on the PC (and that there's no rubbish wall-walking and jetpacks), but the servers are a joke right now, and the MP aspect is definitely riddled with connection issues. Not tried SP so I can't comment on that.

For anyone wanting to get it solely for SP, I'd advise waiting and picking it up cheaper. Wolfenstein II has great SP to tide you over in the meantime.
Man of Honour
16 Jul 2009
Quite enjoying MP actually on this, especially now I've unlocked the STG-44 which was always my favourite on COD2/COD3, etc... I'm still rubbish but at least I'm enjoying it (when it actually joins a game!)
11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
So many glitches but once they're ironed out I think it will be a really good game. Every time I do well I get disconnected from the server, so frustrating.

Agreed, at the moment it's very frustrating to play but once they patch the bugs and what not it should be very enjoyable. I ended up losing a rare crate drop thanks to server issues.
10 Apr 2009
Super Leeds
I think this game has promise as well. It's certainly better than that mega turd that was Infinite Warfare. Connection issues need sorting and so do the spawns. The spawns are just too fixed at the moment. I've played numerous games where I've kept spawning in the same spot even though the enemy is right in front of us :mad:
16 Jun 2005
I think this game has promise as well. It's certainly better than that mega turd that was Infinite Warfare. Connection issues need sorting and so do the spawns. The spawns are just too fixed at the moment. I've played numerous games where I've kept spawning in the same spot even though the enemy is right in front of us :mad:

The map where you're on the boat is terrible for spawn trapping.
22 Mar 2007
I've heard good things about Zombies on this, anyone had a blast? Opinions?

I've tried zombies and really enjoyed it. The zombies can't 'grab' you quite like they used to in the previous versions, so getting trapped by a single zombie in a corridor is now much less likely. It's pretty easy to run past a couple of zombies, it's only when there are lots of them or you start getting runners and special zombies that it's possible to get trapped. It does hold your hand a little bit more than previous zombie modes, you now have an objective for each area, but I actually like that. Zombies mode started out as a pretty basic game and got too convoluted by the last game imo, I like the fact that they've stripped things back a bit. Another fairly major change is that while there are barriers you now get zombies dropping out of higher parts of buildings right from the start, so you can't just hang around in the start area racking up score for ages.

Also there are special abilities, such as being able to send out a shockwave that stuns all zombies, or a camo mode that temporarily makes you invisible to all zombies. I think they've really taken the feedback of the community on board and improved zombies a lot.
17 Oct 2002
I've tried zombies and really enjoyed it. The zombies can't 'grab' you quite like they used to in the previous versions, so getting trapped by a single zombie in a corridor is now much less likely. It's pretty easy to run past a couple of zombies, it's only when there are lots of them or you start getting runners and special zombies that it's possible to get trapped. It does hold your hand a little bit more than previous zombie modes, you now have an objective for each area, but I actually like that. Zombies mode started out as a pretty basic game and got too convoluted by the last game imo, I like the fact that they've stripped things back a bit. Another fairly major change is that while there are barriers you now get zombies dropping out of higher parts of buildings right from the start, so you can't just hang around in the start area racking up score for ages.

Also there are special abilities, such as being able to send out a shockwave that stuns all zombies, or a camo mode that temporarily makes you invisible to all zombies. I think they've really taken the feedback of the community on board and improved zombies a lot.

Cool thanks for that, does sound promising. Do love me some COD Zombies.
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