Calling all skydivers!

3 Jan 2009
Has anyone here been skydiving? How did you get into it?

It looks like it could be fun and I'd like to give it a try. I've seen a few "experience sites" that offer tandem jumps for around £300. Have any of you used one of these sites and could you recommend one?
The only reason I haven't jumped out of a plane is because I would have to go tandem and I don't think my jump buddy would appreciate me pooing myself on the way down.
Did it once in NZ from 15000 feet. £50!

I must say that I was being very sure of myself on the flight up, but when the guy I was strapped to told me to swing my feet over the side of the plane, I experienced real and deep fear for the first time in my life.

I was fine once I had jumped though.
A tandem will give you a limited "feel" but still be great fun (though it depends, some people I know didn't enjoy it or weren't really fussed by it).

The best bit is the initial fall out of the plane. Depending on how exciting your instructor is he'll do more or less to have fun. However you will still feel that rush, and see yourself falling out of a plane with the ground below at around 13,000 ft. Hard to ignore your impeding sense of doom! :D

I've never done a tandem but have jumped with tandems in the past and always been good fun. If you can get a group of skydivers jumping out with you and flying around you it'll really add to the experience. :)
I've done 3 tandems, definitely want to do solo, but the weather is awful in this country so will probably do the AFF in spain.


Oh, and resist the temptation to keep looking down. :p

EDIT: I think I need to build my arms up a bit - flaring the canopy was surprisingly tough when the instructor gave me control of it. :/
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I thought you had to tandem jump before they let you go solo. Or is that wrong?

Certainly not when I trained - of course it could have changed now. You just learned everything you need to know, and an instructor watches you jump out if doing RAPS (static line), or 2 instructors jump out with you if doing AFF. :)
If you have the weather and the money available. Yes. Though one advantage of static line is the experience you get under canopy and habit of jumping at low altitude. I did static line because I could only afford a few jumps at a time. If I had the chance to do AFF I'd have done it. :)

As for courses they are run by the instructors at dropzones. There are also trips through unis and groups/holidays within dropzones that go away to do it abroad for the better weather. :)
i would like to do at least a tandem once in my life. you can do it naked in some countries lol that would be hectic :p
I think a mixture of fear and wind chill would render me female by any anatomical definition :p

I've no idea if I'll actually enjoy this or if it's something I'd like to do more than once so I think I'll be fine with a one-off tandem jump for now.

I live in the south east (Croydon, Greater London). Has anyone used any of the airfields/drop zones in this area of England? Are there any differences between them or should I simply be looking for the drop zone nearest me?
It's next on my To Do list of 'Badass Stuff'

Did a bungee and loved it, if I can do that I can do a skydive. The ground is less tangible at thousands of feet compared to 750ish from a building :D
As others have said its probably best to book direct with the dropzone.

I have done 236 jumps the last one was a not so good one as I ended up breaking my lower back in 3 places. Its been nearly 5 months since the accident am still off work but apart from persistant back pain am almost healed. Dont let that put you off as the accident was the result of my actions and inactions.

Its a great sport you meet loads of great people, I met my wife skydiving. Give it ago you might just get hooked on it I did :-).

And yes I will jump again but not for a while yet though, I am currently learning to fly with a view of being a jump pilot. I am gonna try flying the plane for a bit before I go back to jumping out of them.
For my birthday on friday I'm looking to go skydiving somewhere, can anyone reccomend any places to Jump from? Preferably in east anglia.
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