Calling all Tad Williams fans!!! They are making a Otherlands MMO Game

I still quite like Otherland but my time for MMOs these days is zero sadly. It will be interesting to hear what other people think though.

I remember hearing/seeing some rumours about this years ago, but it kinda slipped off the radar - figured it had been dropped.

Unfortunately I now have a 3 year old, so I don't think I'll really have time for an MMO :(

I remember hearing/seeing some rumours about this years ago, but it kinda slipped off the radar - figured it had been dropped.

Unfortunately I now have a 3 year old, so I don't think I'll really have time for an MMO :(

Wait until he/she is in bed. I have a 6 and a 4 year old, they sleep fine from 7/8am ;)

I installed the early access last night and had a chance to to make it through about 80% of the tutorial before I got too tired. Graphics are quite impressive and the backdrop/settings are nice with nods to the books... it is a long time since I read them though.

Not yet made it to Lambda Mall! So far it is a typical "kill X at Y" style with a radar and map to direct you right to the spot.

I really need to read a manual and the website rather than guessing, but from what I have figured out so far - The weapon systems seems interesting, 3 different slots for quick switching between 3 different weapons and then some kind of extra moves on the Q and E key. After that the usual style attack/buffs on numeric keys 1 through 9. For some reason you can sometimes extract eDNA after killing something as well as collecting "bits" (currency?) and loot.

One thing they seem successful at straight off them mark is the weird eerie feeling I got from the books. The surreal settings.
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