Cam Chain Life?

11 Jul 2009
Anyone have a rough idea how long they last or when they should be replaced?:eek:

im on 56k miles now and just wondered if its fine or not? there is a bit of cam chain rattle but bike is fine/plenty power

I am a bit concerned though (ohh and I counted the teeth on tensioner it was 7 clicks out so not stretched much)
Entirely dependant on the bike, e.g. the cam chain on my Benelli is supposed to be changed every 16k miles!

Numerous Jap sports bikes have managed 100k on the original chain though.
Not sure if the older ZX6R's have the tick that mine does but from my research on the 05/06 ones they last quite a long time. Never heard of one failing on a ZX6R yet.
It depends on the bike.

For instance in your example on a VFR 750 I wouldn't be too fussed, but on a VTR 1000 you would be taking the life of your engine into your own hands ever time you started it.
Unless the bikes got a particular bad rep ( yes 80's Honda CB900 im looking at you ) I wouldn't be overly fussed.
my zx6r,its like a tick tick tick tick and a rattle by the clutch/cam chain tensioner area

the tensioner is in a real stupid position aswell I have to take the tank off to get at it

I remember it being quieter than this
my zx6r,its like a tick tick tick tick and a rattle by the clutch/cam chain tensioner area

the tensioner is in a real stupid position aswell I have to take the tank off to get at it

I remember it being quieter than this

Well if it was much quieter before I would re adjust the tensioner if it's manual and go from there.
you mean resetting? ive doen that but can try it again

what exactly rattles in the clutch aswell? Idk

That can be a number of things but usually the friction plates in the basket, most older Kawasaki,s have noisy clutches until you pull the clutch in.
yeah,its not too loud but I would like it quieter

valves don't make a noise do they? as they wear they just get tighter with shims?

they aint been checked since 18k either
yeah,its not too loud but I would like it quieter

valves don't make a noise do they? as they wear they just get tighter with shims?

they aint been checked since 18k either

Shims are for adjusting the valve clearance if you have a ticking sound the shims need replacing with bigger sizes.
it could be those

but ive always been told they get tighter as the shims wear and don't make any noise

either way I reckon they all need replacing by now tbh

I really wanna do it myself but it is a bit daunting
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