Camera on a reception desk...

28 Feb 2006

Well I've been given a task to find a camera which can be mounted like on a reception desk, for a quick snap to be taken so their picture is on an ID card, which is printed later.

Im pretty confused and don't know where to start! - Is there 'special' cameras for this purpose, or do I choose a normal camera and TRY to find a mount? - Needs to connect to usb

Thanks! Much appreciated ! :)
Depends on what kind of quality you are looking for. You could get a webcam and use that and a PC to take photos. Or something better quality like a 3-5MP Digital Compact with a desk tripod. TBH I wouldn't have thought you'd need more than 3 MP for an ID card image.

I'm not sure if there are special cameras for this purpose, but I'm pretty sure you can get mini tripods for desks.
At work (a college), we use a web camera for this job. The main reason we went with a web camera is that it doesn't go to sleep if you don't use it for a minute or two. And as we have to do ~1000 ID cards at a time, this makes life a lot easier. The system works pretty well, and the image quality is perfectly fine.
Cheers for that, so is that Logitech Quickcam Sphere good enough?

I would hope so! Also is 1.3mp enough, for 1/3 of a credit card sized print.
1.3mp is going to be miles good enough.

heck, a 600x400 image would still be to much :p
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