can a TRUE take a delta fan?

17 Jan 2004
need a new cooler for my Q6600 (want to overclock) and have a delta fan from when i oc'd my old 3800X2. i havent had a thermalright since the xp-120 so don't know if the clips or whatever will handle the size and weight of a delta.

i have other fans if needed but would like to try the delta :)
it is, was worried since the old 120 had the delta lie on top of it, this would be on the side i assume. hope my armour case can muffle it quite well :o

2nd Q, any fan controllers that can handle deltas? or would the mobo be able to speed up/slow down the fan as needed? i have an adapter cable of sorts since i dont want to connect the 3 pin cable direct to the mobo, i have one that takes power from a molex and it's own 3 pin cable for the mobos fan connector.
Don't connect it directly the motherboard, it'll fry it. That cable you have should be fine if it just has a yellow (rpm) cable going to the motherboard. Most variable fan controllers just can't cope with the high current draw of the deltas. Their is a fan controller that can cope but i can't remember what it's called, somebody else might come along and clear this up. Think it is made in america and his limited availability in the uk.

Thermalright's clips don't look very strong but once they are attached you can usually lift the heatsink and motherboard by just holding the fan.

yeah, i know not to connect it direct :)
i was hoping one of OCUKs wouil do, ah well. the cable i have is basically a 3 pin input and an output and a molex connector so shoul dbe fine

If your using the wire fan clips you can attach 25mm/38mm fans no problem as the clips engage the lowest fan holes (i.e nearest to the heatsink), if there was a 120mmx76mm fan that would work also heh! :p

The newer TRUE's come with that polycarbonate fan holder and I'm not sure if that can hold anything other than a 120mmx25mm fan :confused:

well, i guess i'll find out soon enough :)
ta for the info Mark, think i'll forget about the controller for now :)

if needs be, i have twistix to tie the fan to the heatsink
i have loads of twistix so they'll do the trick i think if i need em.

the xp-120 and a delta fan kept my old x2 between 27C and 32C under full load with 1.65v running through it. was noisy as a hoover mind. i guess i'm going to find out how quiet the armor case is soon enough i think :D
to double check, are these the right cables? (almost 100% sure they are but want to double check), also - the last pic has a zalman fan controller. wonder if it would work for this.

1st, the fan :)

2nd, the splitter. this should let me get power from a molex and still connect it to the mobo

3rd, the zalman fan controller. no idea where it came from, but if the delta is getting power from the molex, then couldn't it do the trick?
You'll probably burn it out.

yeah, might not risk it. plus, it would be shut inside the case and would be a right PITA to use it :o

i'm assuming OCUK will post tomorrow, card from RM on tues (hopefully) and i'll pick it up on wed. chuck it in there on thurs.

it's a shame that i can't connect the old xp-120. the air blows down onto the mobo cooling everything in the case pretty much.
well i just found it today (no idea where it came from mind) and thought i'd try and find a use for it. will leave it
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