can an employer get rid of your stuff after you have left?

We make an attempt to contact the person and will box/bag up anything left and put in a safe place in the main office for at least 6 weeks (not really sure what happens after that).

I find it strange the kind of things people leave in their lockers heh - I don't leave anything in mine I'd be worried about should I lose access to it for whatever reason - some cheapy gloves, deodorant, bit of spare food and an old mug/bottle, etc.
Tell them to replace said stuff or pay you for your loss and move on. If they don't seek legal advice. Frankly if it were me and 50 quids worth of stuff I would have to be in the mood for a fight but probably would just move on from it.
pffftt...cant have been that important stuff in the first place after all that time and general lack of immediacy to get hold of it.
Keep all your best pron in the cloud from now on.
1. it is nothing much but rubber-pads for mouse/keyboard to mitigate RSI.. around 50£ worth or so. but still something i should have asked the employer to but as its small company i thought i was doing them a favour by using my own!

ah ok, so you took most of your stuff but just left those couple of things, that could be annoying

though since it isn't exactly anything with sentimental value (like an old family photo from your desk, picture your kid drew for you etc..) but rather is stuff you bought specifically for your job there then I'd just write them a letter asking them to pay you the £50 (just the fact that you had to fork out for this stuff itself is a bit off and if the new place provides it for you then it probably works out better to just get a refund out of principle etc..)
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