Can anybody running Tomb Raider in next gen take some snaps for me?

16 Nov 2003
On the pale blue dot
I'm trying to justify with myself upgrading my 9800XT to a 7800GT. Though Tomb Raider is a very short game, I'd like to see if the quality is really that different. So could some be so kind as to oblige me with the following shots:

- The small town at the start of the Peru level
- The party in Japan (especially with those horribly renedered glasses on the bar as seen in this post
- The uber waterfall at the start of Ghana

Thanks in advance.
-Tauren- said:
Lol... I've got a 7800GTX and mine laggs like hell running TRL in nextgen mode. The patch did hardly anything for me and is still unplayable. :/

What's your definition of unplayable? For example I'm getting a norm of 20-30fps when standing still, and about 10-15 during heavy action, 10-15 is what I would define as unplayable.

I'm sure that someone on this forum is playing next gen, I forget who though.

Thanks for the info.
-Tauren- said:
Hmmm..... well i get from 30-15fps, and sometimes the game stops for a few secconds to load something else up. I'd do a small vid in fraps, but the filesize tends to be quite big!

Ouch. Maybe no upgrade for me then :(
What I'm not getting though is how you, Sunlistix, are getting playable framerates where others are not?

Is it down to luck, a finely tuned system or is it people just complaining that 30fps is not 'playable'?
sunlitsix said:
as i said in the screenshot thread, its running at around 25fps which doesnt bother me. and i only get 'jerky' moments at the beginning of levels, after that its fine

Still, that's better than the 10-15 I'm getting :p
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