Can anyone advise on a Good SSD driven Desktop Hard-Drive

11 Oct 2010

I'm after a good fast desktop hard drive (preferably SSD driven - unless you have reasons why not) - as my 2 x 2TB HDD's (2TB WD PMR & 2TB SG SMR) in my system, they are 75% full and as you know its not best practice to fill them.

I am looking for "long term storage" of photos, movies, documents and applications... the ability to use a NAS for my movies would be great, my router has a USB3.0 port I could use as a networked drive, or maybe I should get one for 'storage' and one for 'movies'?

I was looking at something like 8TB as the size,

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
that's why i say all and any advice much appreciated, if SSD is expensive, then a "good" adviser would say something like "your probably best buying a HDD solution due to price of SSD at large volume"!
thanks a lot guys,
@ Hornetstinger - a WD 16TB for £170 is great, is it PMR or SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording) - that would do me, so its cheaper to get a desktop drive and pull em? I was wanting it to be external lol
@ Snapshot - what is MM? - I cant find a 'wanted' section?

thanks again for the advice, much appreciated.
@Snapshot - I can't see it so not alllowed, no biggy... thanks for the advice, i'll head over to the store and take a gander, I do have a dock if push comes to shove lol.

thanks for the replies guys!
..Ive had a look and see what you mean about the prices... slightly more for the same drive uncased, I was going to get the WD 8TB Desktop HDD for about £150, but I dunno if its CMR or SMR, then I read of the overheating at 60'c and people having to put fans on it, no thanks - so I'm just gunna wait, Ive since ordered a 256GB USB Kingston stick for a mere £19, as I was after an upgrade from my 128GB one which is getting full, and sits on my key ring full of techies tools & Ventoy + ISO's, I will use it to test the speed of the USB3.0 port on my router (in reality) for a networked drive, as that was my plan, I need it to data-rate (read) at 150Mbps (about 19MB/s). Even if not I got an upgrade for my key ring.

I saw an "encrypted with code" USB stick by Kingston, but it wasn't available, looked good that! encrypted and no access without code!

thanks again guys
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