Can anyone see the moon ??

if u see a ring around the moon. that because its so moist up there and the water particles are dispursing the light.
as its humid up there that means there will be a high risk of shower down where the winds go and if there is no wind its most likely to rain tomoz.
Well the moon was kinda strange when I was walking to the shops.

So I was all like "Hey Moon, whats up" and he was like "Oh, it's nothing" and then I said "You sure?" then he said "Well no not really i'm kinda green round the edges" I told him not to worry about it and just carry on orbiting and affecting the tide.

So leave him alone. KK!
Moonpie2 said:
I've just been looking and it seems to be surrounded by a green shimmering glow.

I have no idea what's going on really !!! :confused:

I put that down to the green towel the missus used when she got out of the shower tbh :o
Moonpie2 said:
I've just been looking and it seems to be surrounded by a green shimmering glow.
I have no idea what's going on really !!! :confused:
Believe me, I'm seeing something totally different, and it's equally worrying.

Gah !!!
Its a shame you all didn't see... it was well funky :)

Seems to have gone normal again now though.... oh well....
Just had a look here, all normal from what i can see :D. Ill talk to some guys doing astro tomorrow see if they have any idea / can confirm what op is saying :)
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