can i save my portable hdd?

12 Mar 2005
hi there,

i have a 20gb portable hdd (laptop size one), very stupidly of me i pulled it out with out unmounting it. Got a windows pop up telling me how it lost some data it hadn’t finished writing. now it wont recognise my portable hdd, and it also freezes my computer up if i connect it(usb).

Is there anything a can do to ether get the data back, or re-format it? (data back really would be best)

maby not :( iv looked about, but can only find programs for flash drives, nothing for external 20gb.

any ideas?

Just incase anyone uses the search button to try find an anwser i have managed to fix my problem with testdisk - which is free btw!! just google it.

It actualy didnt seem to work, (and did take its time to access my drive, so be patient 10mins+) but after running it I was able to see my drive in disk managment, but access was slow, i then used a data recovery program (as disk was not in my computer) to copy off all the data. Formatted disk from disk manager and copied all the data back on. works great now!

also have a 160gb samsung drive kicking about that wouldnt work had reported 100% bad sectors from other programs. Ran testdisk and again didnt seem to work but drive was then visable in disk managment, formatted and all good again.

so im very happy :cool:
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